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Congratulations Swooshdave, the committee voted your design as the winner. There are some minor alterations with the text (see amended logo). Your prize would have been free membership to the club and a free t-shirt, but i've just noticed you don't live in the UK and attending one our a club trials might be a little to far to come. So.....PM your address and when the t-shirts are printed i'll send you a free T-shirt (your size S, M, l, XL ?) along with a bottle of Jack Daniels. If you have a hi-res version of the final logo design could you email a copy - many thanks and congratulations.

thespikeyone, thanks again for art work i was going with your design but the majority committee vote gave Swooshdave the win - sorry chap.


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First, thanks. Glad I could help out.

Second, as much as the Jack Daniels would be ok would you mind instead purchasing a Trials Central Supporter membership for me? I'd rather support this place then my whiskey habit. Besides I'm a bigger single malt fan than of the "local fare". :wall:

Third, I tried to split the bottom banner into two lines but it will look bad. Please take a look at the one line option and if you insist on two lines I can do my best.

Once I have a final approval I will send the file.

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Hi Swooshdave, there is one final amendment and that is the main blue oval should be a single blue block not two colours (not shaded). Needs to be the lighter blue of the top part then its ok - many thanks.

Andy or Ian, guys i want to pay for Swooshdave membership how can i do this?

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I'm assuming that if you are having these screenprinted, the printer will have to make some adjustments. If you have any further minor changes, they should be able to take care of them.

Thank you again for letting me participate. If I get a chance again next year and have a little more time I may be able to come up with something new.

Just PM me when you need my mailing address.

I am sending you a PM where you can download the final artwork. Tell the printer it's an Adobe Illustrator PDF. They should know what to do with it. If you have any problems, just let me know.

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