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Is It Possible......


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Don't let this thread head down the "grey imports" route guys!!!

I understand why you're saying this Andy, but making grey imports a taboo subject on TC is to deny the existence of a problem that's not going to go away anytime soon. As far as I know (and I'm sure Mr. Dabster will correct me if I'm wrong... :rolleyes: ) grey importing isn't illegal and despite all of the potential warranty and after-sales service perils (most of which have already been mentioned elsewhere in this thread) as long as it's sufficiently cheaper to import than it is to buy from a UK dealership to make it worthwhile, people will do it. Global economics in action.

FWIW, I'd agree that it's ultimately a false economy and I certainly wouldn't recommend that anyone does it (unless it's a really, really good "once in a lifetime" kind of deal) but as with most things in life, "you pays yer money and ya take yer chances".

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I agree it's not illegal, but......

You all enjoy a free resource in this website. I can't afford to fund it out of my own pocket so it's paid for by the advertisers and as long as they're helping me financially to keep this site free then I'll do my utmost to support them and would encourage others to do so too. It's not me that's providing you with this website - I'm only providing the technical knowledge to put it together. At the end of the day it's THEM that's providing this website and as long as I have their support financially it will stay free. I believe a subscription-based site would fall flat on it's face very, very quickly and would rather pull out than go down that route.

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I think everyone likes to save a bob or two, but it doesn't look good for the site when you have a front page of dealers etc then you go to the forums to learn how you can avoid going to the dealer to save $$$$

Just a bit tacky in my book.

Or does it make some feel good that they think they have pulled a fast one and need to post the fact to feel good?

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I'd just add that I'm running this as a tight ship for tax reasons. Other than covering the running costs, I've already negotiated to sponsor one Club Series with the surplus thus re-investing in the sport. No money from TC advertising goes down the pub with me! If there was no advertising revenue, I couldn't do that. The aim is for the balance book to show

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You all enjoy a free resource in this website. I can't afford to fund it out of my own pocket so it's paid for by the advertisers and as long as they're helping me financially to keep this site free then I'll do my utmost to support them and would encourage others to do so too. It's not me that's providing you with this website - I'm only providing the technical knowledge to put it together. At the end of the day it's THEM that's providing this website and as long as I have their support financially it will stay free. I believe a subscription-based site would fall flat on it's face very, very quickly and would rather pull out than go down that route.

Absolutely. I totally agree and share your concerns (as does everyone here, I'm sure). While I'd be prepared to shell out a few quid to subscribe to TC, like you I've seen a few sites that adopted this model disappear rapidly up their own bums - probably not worth it for the sake of "free speech".

[ big voluntary edit to remove loads of redundant blather ]

Edited by neonsurge
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It's like watching a train crash.

But hopefully you can see WHY I don't want it to go that way? I really don't want to censor discussion, but I have to support those who are not only supporting me, but are supporting the site too. :rolleyes:

PS. For you US/Canada guys, I'm hoping to be in the position soon to sponsor something over there too. Not big, but given I have stateside advertisers it's only fair something goes back to that side of the pond.

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I absolutly see why Andy. It's just that so many times we see new people posting that don't realize we've been down this road before. It's not their fault though, it just happens. I think I start a thread on what bike is best. :rolleyes:

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