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Suggested Checks Before Posting


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I couldn't find anywhere a list of "suggested" checks and recordings before posting with running etc issues. It might help others help you. By all means add to the list, I can summarize in a final post for one stop shopping :( or you can just post.

Suggested checks and recordings before posting:

1. Gas cap air vent clear

2. Fresh high octane (mixed 2t) gas

3. Pet cock, petcock screen, gas line, any gas filter clear / run gas through to visually check flow

4. Carb checks

a. Fuel line screen

b. Remove and clean / check all jets

Edited by borus
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If all the answers were in one place then there would be no need for a forum!

Sometimes people just like to talk.

all the forums i've been on, motorcycle / truck / car etc they have a pre check list plus a basic run down of your set up. this helps the experts, (not me) help that person. also, alot of people just want to get back to riding. i've never seen where is stops dialoge, but it does help the person in need and the repeated posts of did you check this or check that.

i.e. i'm running this setup, i've checked all this out, my symptoms are this, i have a trial tomorrow, help me please. i'll bet you the guy gets to his problem quicker.

it's just a "suggested" list to help people self diagnose


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I was just being silly. Of course it's a good idea. It's just that no matter how many FAQs are created there never a shortage of "my bike won't start" threads.

Sorry for the cynicism.

you got me, lol, cheers, :(:D:D

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Seems a lot of folks are not very much inclined toward the technical stuff. And that is ok, as we all had to learn at some point, some way!

That is OK, but there are not always simple answers, if it were, it would Borus :)

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Hi Borus,

I appreciate your efforts but that list looks like far too much work to me :)

I would rather post a question on here than do some serious spanner work,call me lazy,dumb or T.C. sociable if you like :blink:



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