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'97 Fluids?


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Thanks for all of the info but I have syill another question. Where do you drain the oil from? There is a hole in the skid plate around something that looks like a socket head bolt (maybe mine is stripped) Plus there is a hex head bolt under the water pump. Which one is it?

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Thanks again. The socket in the bottom plug was stripped but I managed to get it out. I was finally able to download the parts list and see that there should be a "spring" inside the air filter. Do you know if this is a plastic part or something steel that could be made from a coat hanger? I can see that it could use something to hold it open.

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The part inside the filter is a metal wire frame, it is there to stop the filter colapsing so a bent coat hanger would work fine. As for the plug I have found that the 'r' ones do not work as well as the ones without ie; BPR 6ES or BP6ES I us a 7 in mine without the resistor - 'r'. Get the right sump plug as it has a wee magnet on it to gather the 'shavings' in your oil. :rolleyes:

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