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Whats Better? Sherco Or Gasgas?


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hello all

im a total novice had bikes for years mx and road had a few trials bikes but never lernt to ride one proply,

my friend went out and brought a gas gas 05 300 txt pro (very nice)

im looking for one ive had a sherco before and loved it i want a 06 or up 2.9 but my friend says that hes looked into it and he thinks i should get a gas gas as there better!

are they??

any sugestions??

thanks all

ps. any one want to teach us lol

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Its all up to you but i would say gasgas due to the suspension, brakes, lightness. and a bonus is that if you order a part from gasgasuk it usualy comes the next day :hyper: I had a go on a sherco and the suspension is horrible, it kind of goes 'clonk' on rebound :D

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No clonks in my Sherco suspension, and Sherco parts delivery from the usual dealers is fine. If you have never ridden a trials bike before a 250 is loads. Which ever make you choose, get a clean one with history. A 290 Sherco or a 300 Gasser can be quite tiring for a novice rider. Good luck and try and borrow a couple of training videos to help you learn.

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if you buy a second hand gas gas be prepared to spend money on the engine they arent built to last.

I have heard many nice sounding 05 Gassers to which my mate had never spent a penny on the engine and sold it on to a young rider who still uses it on experts. I think all bikes are only as good as the owner and look at the experts machines at the year old stage, possibly the best buy.

I have always had Beta`s and tried GasGas and slated it when i first got it for build quality, but now eat my words as its the best and most reliable bike ive ever had.

As for which is best then the answer is which is best for you? try them and buy only 250 as anything bigger would be akin to buying a Yam R1 for youre first road bike.

Edited by smalley250
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I cant comment much on the Sherco's because ive had limited time on them, but the time I did have was pleasent but I wouldnt say it was better than the GasGas.

I have an 08 300 Gasser and love it to bits (especially the brakes), I fitted a flywheel weight and it softens the bottom end out and makes the power really usable.

despite what people say, the 300 isnt really a pro's machine, its the 280 thats the nasty one.

If you flip the bike alot or drop it off big rocks then I think the sherco's mudguard can be impractical, its 1 peice that go's all the way into the dip so if it gets bent back, it snaps, the gasgas one snaps off but can be easily re-attached with either cable ties or the proper clips. I also use a registration plate bolt on the centre mount for the mudguard, this snaps easily instead of breaking the mudguard.

From my experience id say go for the gasser, but like I said, I havnt had enough of a ride on a Sherco to be 100% sure. either way though I rekon youll get a good competitive bike.

All the best


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at the end of the day everyone who has a gasgas will say get a gasgas everyone who has a sherco will say get a sherco ... go to appleyards or a dealer or whoever bvm would be a good bet have a dabble on a gasser and a sherco then have a look on ebay or whatever. even if you end up not 100% liking the bike you buy you can always just sell it for the same money and get a different one.

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