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Clutch Reflex The Same As On Tlr 250?


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Is the clutch the same on the "reflex and a tlr 250? There is a nice clutch kit on the market in the USA for reflex that should be verry smooth and not overheating when hard used. I would like to fit it on my tlr 250 (stock clutch doesn't like my riding style :hl: )

anyone has experiance whit this kit?


regards bob

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What clutch kit is it?

Couple of my mates have TLR250 and are looking to sort out the next to useless Honda clutch. We're looking at Barnett at the moment but they don't do one specifically for the TLR250 but the plates from other models fit.

Someone posted the Barnett part number on here a while ago and the plates fitted 200 ATC, XR200 and CG125 amongst others from memory

Is the one you're looking at Barnett or some other?

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Hey the kit i was talking about is for sale at B&J racing, i do not know if its the same or not.

do the barnett plates make the clutch smoother and overheating proof or only overheating proof?

regards bob

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I've just fitted some Barnett plates to my Ossa and although I haven't given it a good panning yet, there is a noticeable difference in some areas straight away.

Putting it into gear for the first time I thought the selector shaft had disengaged from the drum. I kept pushing the lever down but there was no click as it engaged. This was actually because the clutch had disengaged so well I couldn't fell it go into gear - there was no click or feel to it going in.

When riding and pulling in the clutch the disengagement was absolutely instant. Normally I'm lucky if it's disengaged by the next trial...

That's about all I've tried, I haven't caned it yet so I don't know what it will be like firing the bike off the clutch with revs in 2nd or 3rd gear, or how smooth the take up will be with constant slipping in tight stuff.

Impressive so far though. Enough for me to want to try some in the Bult (got but not fitted yet) and Yam (on order - hopefully) neither of which have the best clutch action.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm the fellow that posted the Barnett clutch info awhile back.

I have a 1985 TLR250F. Upon buying the bike in 1990 I found that the stock clutch left a lot to be desired. A small bit of slipping in the sections would result in the clutch growling and chattering.

I first used the regular Barnett clutch plates with the standard steel plate. This set up lasted for a long time. I then went to the Barnett kevlar plates and they too have worked very well.

The Barnett plates won't make the clutch smoother, but it will eliminate the growl and chatter of an overheated standard clutch.

I'm not sure that the TLR 250 clutch is the same as the TLR 200, which is known as the Reflex here in the States.

I do believe that the 1984 RS250 clutch is probably the same as the 85 TLR 250.


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