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Sherpa T 1976 250


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Just bought a Restored Sherpa T ... Just having problems starting it .. pulled the plug out and its getting a good spark but its very hard to start, once is running it runs really well ..

any tips for carby settings or things to check also tips for starting them any advice would be great

I have a Service manual on its way but wont be here for a while yet

its running an NGK BKR6E I think well its the same plug as my Sy 250 scorpa not even sure if thats the right plug

cheers boys

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I quite like that plug too, BP5ES.

Could be a whole heap of things for hard to start. Check points condition, earth up under the head stock should be wired close to the HT coil and not on paint. HT cap not making good contact with the lead. check the black wire from the low tension coil is connected into the HT coil, not the yellow wire (I have seen two bikes with the yellow lighting wire conected together with the low tension black then connected to the HT coil).

Is the timing correct, approx 2.6mm BTDC (Though I usually run these with more advance)

Are all the passageways clean in the carb?

Does the carb flood properly for cold starting?

Points gap at 15 thou.

Ta ta, PeterB.

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I had the same problem with my Bultaco Sherpa 1979 250cc . It had not been used for 22 years, It turned

out the jet at the bottom of the choke was blocked. When i cleaned it out it starts on the second or third kick

every time, I also keep my throttle closed when starting from cold. Hope this helps


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Ah I c ... thanks for the info

Im running the origional amal carb , pulled that apart last night and I think the pilot jet had some crap in it .. put it all back together and it kicked on the 5th kick then started 10 times on the 1st or the second ..

its a 158 I think 75-76 250 sherpa T the first one with out the seat tank one peice unit ..

will change that plug today though It came with the one thats in at the moment I wasnt sure what to change it to ..

so with the choke .. do you need to push that leaver down for cold start ? or shouldnt you use the choke ? it seemed to start better with the choke lever up >?

will post some pics of it tonight up on here



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On my 198a with the mk2 amal i tip the bike to the left for a few seconds, then push the choke lever down, usually starts second or third kick, and then after a few seconds lift the choke lever. Also remember to close the fuel tap when you stop or the engine will flood.

oh, and dont open the throttle till it catches.

Edited by timbo
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Of all the Sherpa Ts I have owned or ridden, the 76 250 had the smoothest motor.

From recollection, that motor felt like an electric motor - pure lineal progressive power. Must have been something to do with the reduced capacity ( 247cc ( 244?) down to 238cc) to fit some silly French tax law

Very, very rare here in Oz

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  • 8 years later...

Deek, the M190 is actually a late 1977, early 1978 model even though it looks the same as the previous 2 models. The gearbox holds 600 ml of 90 weight gear oil or if you are only emptying it and refilling then 550 ml. The primary case holds 300 ml of 30 weight according to the book but I use 10/30 gear oil in all mine. Once again if you are only emptying it and refilling use 250 ml. Graham. 

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