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Youth Nationals


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Great to meet you Steve, glad to hear that you are planning to return next year!! The place is very addicting for the kids and the parents. This was our 6th year of competition at the Youth Nationals, next year will be the last for us. My son Josh was mad after Saturday event not that he didn't win but because I wouldn't let him go out and practice in the sections again. {had to get his bike ready for a week of riding at the youth camp}

Great competition, Fantastic people, Terrific place to ride, If you take your kid once you will be back!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by spinner
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I am soo glad to hear thar Fracy had a good trip(adventure), and yes, those kids are tough as nails, and come back even better, it seems! They have such a great time together it seems!

I wish i could go just to ride and visit with the Dads! Oh well! One of these days, BC! That would be a good trip for Thisle too! Could not be a bit more than another 1000 miles for him! :hl:

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Hey Paul:

Thanks for all the kinds words! I sure wish you all could come up here sometime and ride with US! WE have an amazing area up here right out of our backyard. I have to confess when the clouds appeared on the last day Matt and I were praying for rain! We love riding in the slippery wet conditions! I really hope that we can make it again next year! We are also lucky that we get to ride year round up here with our mild climate on the west coast so practising happens alot! It will be cool for us to see how everyone has advanced in a year! Thanks everyone for the fun and hospitality for us foreigners. We sincerely appreciate how yall embrace us and make us feel welcome!


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I can report to all the parents back home that your teenage kids are having a really great time! They, or should I say WE. even got thrown out of the go cart track today, lots of fun!! There was a heavy down pour today just before the evening riding season so the kids got lots of wet practice. Beyond that many bee stings and a few new hair cuts :hl: Really I see the kids working hard and pushing themselves to become better riders.

The one kid who impressed me the most the whole weekend though is Chase Harker!

I know what you mean about Chase. I've known Chase for a while now and he's always been a great rider, but I was surprised this year that his hole riding style and stance on the bike has changed since last year. Goes to show he has been working hard on the basics

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I too, was hoping for wet conditions. Aaron does real well in the slippery wet stuff as well. I don't know how Zeke would do,.... probably great! It seems like most of the events (trials, MX and hare scrambles) we have done this year, have been wet. I'm gonna have to get cracking on Aarons training for next year...it looks to be tighter than this year!

It would be great to ride in BC. One day!

Edited by paul_thistle
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  • 2 weeks later...
  tryalsryder said:
Anyone seen any real results on this posted yet?

Unfortunately not!

Hopefully thy will make the TrialsComp! Call Charlie/ Caroline, or email! I think it should be done, as lots travel a long way for this event! Tell them I said so! :huh:

I will give Shan a heads up! :thumbup:

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Hopefully thy will make the TrialsComp

Not much there just a short article the same as ttc printed 3 weeks ago saying full results and pictures would come soon. I personaly thought it was a pretty good event worthy of results, pic sand news coverage

must be tech difficulties

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  hensley said:
Not much there just a short article the same as ttc printed 3 weeks ago saying full results and pictures would come soon. I personaly thought it was a pretty good event worthy of results, pic sand news coverage

must be tech difficulties

Shan reported it would be the September issue due to delays. But it will happen! B)

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  • 1 month later...

the results are supposed to be coming soon on the ttc website or at least that what it said on a July 8 post. They hjave a great formatted site that shows each sections score aqnd can be sorted 2 or 3 different ways i dont know if that site is down or what. To put on such a super event then not bother to post the results online or in trilas comp makes no sense to me.

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I agree the coverage was a little sad. In the past it got the cover and pages of coverage. I know Shan wasn't there due to other obligations. My guess is if somebody just took the pictures and wrote an article with results it would be published.

The coverage is part of what got us to go the first time. Ty and I looked at the 2004 Trials Comp many times (the one with Ronnie Commo on the cover), he saw pictures of the older kids that he knew and with all the coverage it made both he and I really want to go.

I also recently went through all my fuel receipts and it added up to $2094.24 :iamwithstupid: No wonder we're broke now!

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I am a little disappointed also. Seems like the coverage and photos have declined for all of trials the past few years. It's like we need to try designating someone to take photos and post somewhere. I know there were people taking photos. And the results are normally typed into the computer as riders complete. :iamwithstupid:

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This was our first time at the Youth Nationals. I know what you guys are saying about the coverage, but honestly, if I knew there was not going to be any press, it would not stop me from coming! I have watched this event grow over the years since its inception, and waited for a long time to attend with my son. The amount of planning and organizing by Catherine and the crew at the TTC must me huge and I dont envy there workload during the week. Lots of folks to keep happy! So I dont expect anyone from TTC to do any more than they did. I guess the only mis-communication would be that if we knew that no one was available to take some pictures and do a write up, one of us who attended would I am sure been glad to take on that task. I know I would have put something together if asked! Bottom line for us though is that it is a unique opportunity for us to ride against other kids, learn a ton and have some of the closest competition we have ever had! It can only make my son a better rider quicker than if we had stayed at home! All of the great people and fun is just icing on the cake! :iamwithstupid:

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