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M/bro Beak Hills Trial


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middlesbrough and district motor club's trial at beak hill's this week end will be run with dual section's (clubman A & B ) in the past this event has been one route and every one did the same this made it a bit tricky for the new starters so the sections this year will have clubman A & B route's it will be the perfect event for anyone thinking of trying the move up from B into A as it wont be really hard a few stinkers to find a winner and give the better rider's a challenge. the nock on effect is the B class can be eased off to make this a great trial for beginner's but again a couple of tricky one's to take marks. it will be 4 laps of 10 sections and starts at 6 on saturday 12th of july the venue itself is easy to walk round so if you get there at about 5 you could walk most of it and deside which class you would like to ride. youth A & B are also welcome. parking was a problem here but we have the use of a new field which should help to solve this but if you can car share please do so as the buck inn car park's not very big (for the after trial pint). to get there take the stokesly to helmsley road and turn off at the buck inn at chop gate on the road to carlton in cleveland it will be flaged from this point. I hope to see you there.

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Many thanks to the course plotters and observers who endured horrendous weather conditions last night. Really enjoyed the trial and found clubman A spot on for severity for a saturday night trial. Thanks John B

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thank you there's a few of us work together to get the sections right but there had to be some last second tweeking because of the rain but in the end i think the rain made the trial. as clark of the course i would like to thank the lad.s who helped set out with me mike, steve, bill, dylan. and a big thankyou to all observers and rider's who turned up on a pretty rotten night for a trial that seemed to go down a storm. and i know it was a small entry but everyone finnished the trial no retirement's at all so well done lad's and i hope to see you there again next year. THANK paul.w

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