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Section Design

nigel dabster

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Some time in the not so distant future if things go to plan, our club in the rockless flat and muddy Milton Keynes will have a small parcel of land on a 25 year lease. Hopefully there will be the importation of serious quantities of various rocks etc. Consequently we would love to hear what your favourite section is/would be. The area is not that big so very long rocky gullies would limit the total number of sections, and graded hillclimbs are not really viable. Help! :rolleyes:

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My local club while being lucky enough to own a vast area of land with lots of hills, gulleys, woods and a couple of rivers running through it have recently spent a lot of money importing a huge amount of rocks (about the only kind of section that isn't naturally common in the area). We're talking really big, car-sized boulders and they've built some really awesome sections, all of which have been designed to allow multiple lines through.

However, while providing a challenge to the more experienced rider, there's not many novice-friendly sections. I'm not complaining really because it gives you plenty to aim at and there's so much other fantastic riding terrain, but it would've been nice if a few smaller boulders could have been placed in isolation so that the bike and rider aren't falling 4-5 feet onto more rocks if they have to bail out. A safe way to practise smaller steps before working up to the monster splats would be useful.

Making sure that you cater for all abilities (unless you're specifically catering for experts for example) is what I'm saying I guess.

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