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Riding A National For Fun


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I dont know whether this forum is the best place to ask this question but since i am not a member of a club (nearest 4 hrs away) and dont have a natc represenitive maybe someone out there listiening might take this up

What about a non compete national entry. The problem i have in my occupation im on call a lot and do not know a month in advance whether or not i can go to a national As with regional events i find out spur of the moment i can go. I understand trophies are the reason) for the month ahead notice with a non compete thats not a problem. With todays gas prices and extra entriy fees (hopefully a one year only thing and events during the school year ) it looks like attendence might dwindle. I kinda brought this up before and the only responce was well you just got to be committed to ride a national. Just thought id throw this out there maybe someone going to the meeting will think its a good idea

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I will probably be shot for this but you can "post enter" for double the price. 200 bucks per event. (ouch) I have seen people show up to a national with money and post enter. That may be an option for you. Now i know NATC discourages this but if you drove all that way and you are willing to pay then I dont know why they would tell you to go home. I am not as savy with the inner workings of NATC but i know this has been done in the past. As for trophies... I don't think that is the reason for preentry. I think they want to make sure who is comming and what your riding plus they have more opprotunity to make sure that you know the rules of Jersey regulations and number plate regulations. If you decide to go make sure that your bike is in working order with kill switch ball ends on levers no torn grips ect.... and that your jersey is proper.

Any other thoughts on this out there?


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I think the penalty for late registration is way over priced and that the NATC is hurting themselves by making it so high. I think they should make it about $25 or so, with ALL the late fees going to the sponsoring club, because they are the one's who have to take care of the extra signup duties etc.

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I realize there is a $200 late entry and thats x3 x 2 riders$1200 I cant afford that and if i pre enter and cant make it im out 300x 2 riders #600. Is there any intrest in making riding a nationall more affordable.

It seems with additional entry fees, fewer nationals making it further to get to at least one national and high price gas the elite group that can afford a national may become too few in number.

Edited by hensley
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  titanium said:
I think the penalty for late registration is way over priced and that the NATC is hurting themselves by making it so high. I think they should make it about $25 or so, with ALL the late fees going to the sponsoring club, because they are the one's who have to take care of the extra signup duties etc.

Your post came in just as i was posting excellent idea. While were on the subject what constitutes a refund :injury funeral death ect or is it once you enter thats it.

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A few late entries is no big deal, but, too many late entries cause a problem for the organizing club. If you make too easy to do late entry, then many more riders will do it. Too many hurts the cash flow. The way things are set up now it would cause a problem the day of the event. I do agree that the clubs should get the late fee. The clubs should get a bigger split overall.

Refunds are only partial.

Edited by the observer
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Hensley I hear what you are saying ! I have asked many years why does the natc charge double for late fee's and the only real reason I get is to discurage late entries for lagistical reasons like paper work. I believe the club gets the extra fee. Those who show up and pay double now must have some deep pockets. I know many riders in my area who wanted to ride a national but couldn't make the 30 day dead line because of work or other reasons and said that there is no way they would pay double. I've seen entry fee's go $50,$60 and now $100. I have been told that if there is more than 6 nationals next year Maybe the enrty could go down. I showed up in Colorado to helped the team and will do so in Duluth, I look at it this way I saved $600 this year. As far as a non comp entry I don't see that happening as it will effect the time of other riders that are competing and that wouldn't be fare for them. And don't forget ! that not only are you paying entry but you will get hit with a land use fee when you get there at most nationals and that is not advertised until you get your entry info back and that has been running $10 per day so add another $30 per rider.

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Ron your right non comp is a bad idea for reasons you stated.

Even though there is no club we used to have 6-8 riders from my area that tried to make one national per year.Now there is none That also means no one for us to ride together and split gas. Most of these riders say the same thing well John i may have ridden my last national. Here is the reasons stated.

1)$100 entry fee

2) 3 day format (older riders wore out on second day)

3) 2 events per year(making it further to dive)

4)land use fees

5)events held during school year

6)30 day advance notice or double the price

7)high price gas

8)The regional events in the area have became such good events and are such a value- riding more of them makes sense (btw everyone of there entries are last minute i should be doing a post praising their efforts instead of complaining)

Maybe there is nothing to be done and back to my original topic something that was stated that everyone will agree with is that the

$200 fee is to discourage late entries. My question is with the times ahead of us do they want to discourage any kind of entries

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I think the 3 day event is a good thing. There was only two locations this year cause no club realy wanted to do one and as far as school is concerned the dates are when the 2 clubs said they would do them. Rides are luck that there was even nationals to ride. What would be nice is 3-3 day nationals and the best out of 6 count for support, that way you may have a choice of the 6 you want to ride. Look at it this way you those who compete in the series only have to drive to two places not 4 or 5 which would add to fuel cost, motel, food, wear and tear on what ever you are driving. I have been riding the nationals for the past 10 or 12 years and have and idea of what I spend each year, all I will say is $$$$. Putting on a national is a thankless job and a strain on a club, THANK YOU to the clubs Colorado and Duluth !. And yes $200 is a steep price, I think an extra $25 is more reasonable.

We are lucky in this area we have a very good series in the central region !

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Just sitting back and reading...I had an idea while thinking about Hensley's reasons for not riding any more nationals. I'm just an old SR rider in MI who recently retuned to trials after a very long absence (1977-2006, I did ride HS and Enduros for many years in between)

Perhaps more fun "regional" two day events might be the answer. Something big enough to attract a few pros and top level experts, but still close (and affordable) enough to attract good numbers of other skill class riders. The word "National" is intimidating to many, so I am guessing that many riders that wouldn't consider a National might go to "Exhibition" series. There are numerous independant events now- maybe just a little bit of a "thread" to pull a few existing ones together and maybe create a few new ones. I believe the key here is to bring a good number of all types of riders together. The importers and dealers could play a role here. Another wild thought...co-promote with an Endurocross?

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I hope neott sends rlracer the 3 3days with 6 counts sounds good to me also. The guys that i was talking about not liking the 3 days can always ride 2 and go home. Maybee i should object to the fees How much of the entry fee does each club get they do a lot of work and what other good causes does the rest of the fee go to. .

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Hensley search around on www.natctrials.org and you may find some of the answers you are looking for. I believe the split is something like $60/$40 don't remember which way. As far as what the natc does with the money that's their deal and I guess you would have to be in the circle to know the details of natc expenses. I believe the money is used for the good of trials. John If I don't see you in Duluth then i'll see you at one of the central regionals.

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