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Sore Hands...


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after about 6 hours of riding my hands start to become really sore on the caluses at the bottoms of my fingers, does anyone have a way of stopping this? ive always used Hebo "team" gloves, has anyone had any similar experiences with thin gloves and found other ones better?

All the best


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I've just started back riding after an absence of 20 years and i get sore hands, though i reckon it's because I'm gripping the bars to hard and also my hands aren't use to holding on to something that long yet ! So no idea whats wrong with yours and know what you should do about it..................... :thumbup:

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quite the opposite, I think thats partly the problem.

Im a greengrocer so Im handling stuff all the time, Load and Offload a Jumbo transit every morning and im handling stuff all day and I think it doesnt do my hands any good, then when I come to ride, gripping the bars all the time just finishes my hands off.

I cut off the hard caluses and that seems to help alot but the problem doesnt go away =(


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I find that after my gloves get soaked with sweat they bunch up and rip off the callouses. I try to carry several sets of gloves to keep a dry set on as well as put antiperspirant on my hands before an event. I remember reading somewhere that was an old desert racer trick from years back. As for the cost I use the cheapo gloves from Home Depot and find they work just as well as the big bucks.

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after about 6 hours of riding my hands start to become really sore on the caluses at the bottoms of my fingers, does anyone have a way of stopping this? ive always used Hebo "team" gloves, has anyone had any similar experiences with thin gloves and found other ones better?

All the best


I used to use surgical spirits to toughen the skin if i'd had a break from biketrials. Wished i'd used it before last years scott but i never though. I used it in scotland and it helped a lot.

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after about 6 hours of riding my hands start to become really sore on the caluses at the bottoms of my fingers, does anyone have a way of stopping this? ive always used Hebo "team" gloves, has anyone had any similar experiences with thin gloves and found other ones better?

All the best


Six Hours? Most pro's I have seen only go for three or four!

Overdoing it will not help you, I think! :thumbup:

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I ride at least 6 hours hehe, on sunday I rode 9 till 6:30 and felt fine, aslong as its not scorching hot I dont seem to run out of energy, I just eat plenty of food and drink lots too and I can go for miles.

Usually feel it the next day though.....

my hands start to hurt after about an hours riding but not too bad, Pulling on the bars seems to do make it worse, and long wheelies, I dont do any wheelies for fun until about the last hour of riding.


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ive had caluses for years now from riding pushbike and motorbikes and have found that nothing you can do will stop them hurting, ive also found that the best way to go longer without them hurting is to not cut them off but just leave them and just ignore it that seems to work.

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quite the opposite, I think thats partly the problem.

Im a greengrocer so Im handling stuff all the time, Load and Offload a Jumbo transit every morning and im handling stuff all day and I think it doesnt do my hands any good, then when I come to ride, gripping the bars all the time just finishes my hands off.

I cut off the hard caluses and that seems to help alot but the problem doesnt go away =(


Try approaching the problem from the other direction - wear gloves for the unloading. I don't suppose you want to use them front of shop but for the harder lifts it could make the difference.

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