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Bike Won't Start


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Hi I have a gasgas 125cc txt pro 2004 model. My problem is the bike wont start. I have cleaned the plug and topped up the clutch fluid as this was low.

Can someone give me a quick guide to fine the source of the problem. It has fuel in it with the correct mixture.



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First off, you need to check that you've got a spark. Take the plug out, put it back in the cap and holding only the cap press the threads of the plug against a good earth (such as a cylinder head bolt) while you kick the motor over. Better still, get someone you don't like to hold the plug while you kick! No Spark? Remove the tank and check all the connections are clean and fully home. Several earth wires are fastened beside the coil. Are they all in place? Have any pulled out? Best plan is to undo the fixing bolt, clean any corrosion off the frame and earth wire connectors with wire wool and refasten them. Still no spark? Disconnect the kill switch and check again. If still no spark you're into problems with the CDI and/or coil.

If you've got a spark, make sure the carb is clean. If you can, blow through the jets with compressed air and make sure everything is spotless. Check the float height while you're at it, although this is unlikely to stop a bike running altogether. Is the fuel filter blocked under the inlet banjo? Is the carb filling with fuel? Make sure the air filter is clean. If you've got a spark and the carb/air filter is clean its bound to start, especially if you sneak up on it and take it by surprise! Good luck :rotfl:

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