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This is me learning the hard way that it doesnt matter how many times you do something right and no matter how easy something is, its got to go wrong some time!

What went wrong....

The road curves to the right so I was steering lightly with my right leg off the peg. The bike went a little bit past the "sweet spot" so I brought my right leg in to graze the rear brake to balance it out a bit. problem was, I missed the rear brake!

Shutting the throttle off did nothing as it was a 5th gear wheelie and low in the rev range so there was no engine braking. Decided to abandon ship, run like crazy and then laugh like a lunatic (people have confirmed that I do not laugh like this normally!)

Ive done 1000's of wheelies and this is the first ever time ive flipped it, what are the chances id catch it on camera?

Wheelie was done (poorly) on a 2008 Gas Gas 300 Pro at Hawks Nest near buxton.

Anyway, Enjoy!

All the best


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i can beat that, but not on camera unfortunatley. as a 17 year old apprentice, i was sent to the chip shop to fetch the friday lunch time usual (fish and chips 11 times and seven pots of peas) . now, this chippy was very close to a local secondary school, and upon leaving the chippy with all the said food in a canvas rucksack (remember them?) i spotted some sixth form girls . so i though "i know a wheelie will impress" . so i went up the road a hundred yards and turned round, i the popped the xl185 onto the back wheel, into second, clicked third, snuck forth, one blip too many.

those girls laughed and laughed , i got slapped when i got back to work, as fish and chips does not take kindley to being slid up the road at 35mph. the bike was ok, i took skin off my knees and ar*e.

i suppose what i learnt from all this was 'cover the back brake' . ;)

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