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Scot Training


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Hi, i am riding The Scott trial for my first time this year, and i am wondering what the best training would be to do for it? i have been riding up rivers over and over again eith out looking at the section untill im nackerd wich i think would be as good as any!

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My first time at the Scott aswell, but being a Silsden lad I have to do it at some point. The only other timed an observation trial I have road was the ilkley grand nattional which I understand is about 1/5 of the distance. Ive being to watch the last two years so I have an idea what to expect. Im just getting out on my bike as much as possible practicing and trying not to stop for a break when im tired, About 3-4 times a week. also im going to start going swimming and to the gym more. Also get practice jumping bogs + pulling bike out of them. Draining carb + airbox of water. Fixing puntures. Also dont forget to get used to riding with the tools your planning on taking with you which should be as little as possible but the stuff your gona need.

If any Scott veterons on here could give us lambs to the slaughter any tips n tit bits we need to know then please feel free?

Edited by BetaPhill
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  BetaPhill said:
I dont think anything is a substiute for time on the bike. Im trying to get as much as possible.


However, on a really tough trial (like the Scott, I'd suppose), I find that my biggest weakness (yours might be way different) is CARDIO....I am panting after many sections. So if, repeat if, that's a problem with you, then taking up a fun sport where you get lots of cardio improvement, such as basketball, might be something to consider.

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