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Carb Mod For 2002 Rev 3 200cc


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I have my carb in pieces and have sent Billy T an email, as follows but he hasn't responded yet and am wondering if anyone else can help me.



Mr. Traynor-

I am emailing you as I have some questions regarding the setup for my mikuni carb for my 2002 beta rev 3 200cc trials bike. The carb leaks if I don't shut the fuel off. I have printed out your directions off of some trials website and am still a little confused. I am not very mechanically inclined but if given detailed directions and proper tools I can do most stuff.

I have removed my carb (disconnected both end from the airbox and cyl.) and unscrewed to top part where the throttle attaches). i then removed all 4 screws holding the float bowl on and am now looking at the bottom of the carb (its upside down on the bench)with the brass tangs pointing at me. I can see that as I raise the tangs (now looking at it if it were right side up and tangs pointing to the right (as if looking at the carb on the bike from the right side of the bike) that as they rise they push the plunger up and as I let go the tangs drop until they hit the tab but now the tangs are dropped way down (past the top of the smaller tower). My question is this. Do I bend the tab? and if so, to what reference point am I using when you say (top of left hand lower tower)? am I looking at the carb from the side and which side, and is it upside down or right side up?) I am assuming you bend the tab so that if looking from the right side (as if on the bike) and not upside down, that the tangs should now point at the juction of the two towers (the angle) or is it the outside corner of the lower tower?

Thank you.

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Thanks guys, I have already read this and it is what I'm asking the questions about. The directions give NO reference points (L, R, up down etc). If anyone can help, I tried doing as it said and now nothing is working!

Why can't bikes ever come w. real manuals?

Please help. Thank you.


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My advice would be to put it all back together and use a section of pink tubing to connect the two overflow spigots together to stop the dribbling. I would take the Traynor settings as only general guides - not as actual for your bike. It is VERY easy to set the floats (especially if you take that 1/16" and no more rule to heart) such that they don't allow enough fuel to flow and you starve your bike for fuel.

Don't make these changes and then go to a trial without testing them - ESPECIALLY if the trials have longish transports between sections, you may set the floats to where you have enough fuel in the bowl to make it to the section and then have the bike die or bog in the section because the trip sucked all the gas from the float bowl and it hasn't had time to refill.

So, all that to say, "don't #@%! with it", IMO. Connect the two overflows with a loop of tubing and be done with it.

However, if you insist on jacking with the float level...


but, like I said, I don't think these setting flow enough fuel - this is my carb - you see how far down mine drops.

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thanks for the great photo and info. Its exactly what I needed. I think I may have bent the tab too much and restricted the fuel a little so it wasn't getting enough gas. i went back in (what a pain the ...) and readjusted it out a little more and now it starts and runs ok, it seems a little down on power so I may have to tweak it again. Thanks for all of the help.

You know what they say, "a picture is worth a thousnd words".



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