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200 Pro's, Any Good ?

dave blowers

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Hi Dave, can't help you much with UK pricing, but can tell you that the little 200 Pro is a superb little bike. It hauled my 200 lb but around and up anything I could do on my 280. It's actually surprisingly powerful, just doesn't have the grunt of the big bikes. It feels much lighter though I don't think it actually is that much lighter in actual weight.

The Canadian National Intermediate class winner for 2004 was on a 200 Pro this year. His father is a top expert rider in Quebec and rode a 200 Pro as well, up till this year.

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What's up Dave not getting a good deal on the beloved Scorpa?

To quote you from an earlier Gas gas topic:-

Wouldnt touch a pro with a barge pole personally, too many have broke down in my area, but each to there own. Most people where i live say Gas Gas UK dont want to know when something goes wrong with them, so who do you believe ? I'll stick with my trusty Scorpa thanks.


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Alright Perce, thought somebody would mention my comment ! I've been keeping an eye on pro's since i made that comment, and credit to Gas Gas they seem to have sorted them out now. Had a go on a 300 a while back and whilst it felt nice to ride it had way to much power for me personally. Still like my Scorpa, just been on one now for nearly 3yrs and just fancy a change really. My only gripe with pro's was the reliabilty issue. I'll have to try and get meself a go on a 200. Thanks for reply's, Dave.

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Hmmmm....sort of clashes with your other post asking people how long you should use a tyre for and is 10 psi OK? :angry:

My Sherco grips fine. It keeps falling over but I assure you it's not the bike that's doing that.


Strange that very few experts say that their bike is limiting them, but plenty of lesser riders do ;)

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