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Classic Trials Clubs. The Way Forward Or A Backward Step ?

old trials fanatic

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As some of you know i am heavily involved with a couple of local Classic Clubs and have stood on my soapbox on many occaisions in the past about Classic trials etc.

Well one of the Clubs is having big problems with small entries. Basically if things dont soon change the club will have to either use one venue only or close.

The Club needs approx 35 entries minimum to break even at most venues. Ok some are more expensive, Bracken Rocks etc, than others, typically Carsons Fm, but the Club has been making a loss of late and this can not and will not continue.

So what to do ? Raise entry fees ? well they are currently

Edited by Old trials fanatic
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I personally cannot believe still how cheap the entries are for trials events. I haven't ridden a trial in the UK since the mid/late 1970s and they certainly haven't kept pace with inflation. As an example I now take part in match fishing to a reasonable standard and my entry fees are usually between

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Wait until the 125/ 200 Scorpa a/c mono pilots turn up, then the teddies will fly out of the pram. Unfortunately the modern bikes do upset some folk it's understandable,but it isn't working any other way is it? So the solution is to let them ride and some may buy a t shock later. It seems that is the way things are going certainly around here. If you want the club/ trial to survive there are not many other solutions out there. I bet you struggled with some of the members to accept the a/c monos. ;)

Edited by bo drinker
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One of the classic trials clubs that i ride for are primarily a pre65/67 and twinshock club

But the they let riders ride modern bikes only if the rider is 40 or older

Another classic club in the same area adopts the same format with the rider being 50 or older

This causes no hassle and is a possible way of you boosting your entries.

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What happened to all the Birkett modded TY monos and pinkys up there. A good rider on one can run rings round a few on bikes 4 or 5 times the price. Some of them codgers up there will smile when they see it happen. They'll all want one then. ;)

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We can not and will not allow more modern bikes even on a no awards basis as in the past this has caused antagonism with other local clubs when there is a date clash.

Paul why not.Whats the point of living if you can't upset a few people.

Let the modern bike's in,the rider's are probaly after the easy section's,after all if there'd rather come and join you than ride at there local club on the same date,what does that tell you?

Think your beating a dead horse relying on a/c mono's to save the club,you might get a hand full at best,not enough.

Be Lucky.

Edited by bilc0
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At the last meeting it was decided to have from the next event on at Stathams Farm Matlock an Aircooled Monoshock Class in all three categories. Hopefully this may encourage a few more riders to come along?

When and where was this meeting .I rode at last weeks trial and knew nothing of it .May be it could have been advertised on the last trials results

so more people could have input. Personally do not have a problem with any type of bike being ridden , if they have there own class whats the fuss about, end of the day we all enjoy riding motorcycles. Most importantly if it means the club carrys on great .

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As long as there is an appropriate class for everyone to ride in I cant see a problem,whatever class you ride in cleaning sections is all you are after - even if you are riding against others or your own mind.Having a decent bit of land and some well laid out sections will bring in the riders,lots of arguing and moaning just puts people off.I rode today for the first time in months in the Bath classic trial - there were allsorts there,but everyone appeared to have a good time.

Surely thats all we are after ?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Paul, I understand the comment made about the Scorpa air-cooed bikes but you then have to consider the modern t/s like the Cotswold if you start making rules within rules. The dear littlw Scorpa wasn't that popular anyway! I think having an air-cooled mono class is an excellent idea and I wish you every sucess with it.

In my local club (the Soft Southern B*stards - it's not really called that!) we persuaded them to include a twinshock class for beginners, they had a class for white, blue and red routes but no yellow. This is the first year and we consistantly have 7 riders and a great time. We are mostly old farts out to have a run around on the bike we have lovingly restored. There are any number of guys coming back to trials in their late 40's or even taking it up and they want somewhere to have a run about and a chat with like minded people. We don't get in the way much as most of our routes only take about 30 seconds in the section and we don't all fall off! We don't get in the way of more serious riders and boos t club numbers but you do have to get the word out that it's on and available to all. I only took up trialing (some say I have yet to start!) 5 years ago and it was like a private club - not deliberately but when you did find a club, they may tell you on the phone or on their website that the next meeting would be at 'Don Barretts' - you had to be in the know to find it! I write a couple of club websites and I have a list of venues that we use, with post codes and map links so that new members can find us. When I started the local club website a few years ago we used to get 18-25 at a trial, we now get 50+ some times, partly because of the website and partly because of the classes - we cater a lot for completely new riders of all ages.

Definitely go for the a/c mono class as they have nowhere else they can compete on a level playing field and look to get the old twinshock restorers off their butts and on their bikes for a little run through the woods!



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Hi Guy's

Hi Paul.

I think the main reason for lack of entries , last year and this,has been the weather Rain, rain and more rain. some clubs the Gods have smiled upon, like the Stratford club both days of there two trials have been good, But clubs putting on a lot more trials are going to get a lot more bad weather.

And if you are the wrong side of say, fourty your joints dont want to get wet all the time, and the wife will go off on one, if you come home covered in mud and leave a muddy trail up the drive to the garage.

On a more senceable note I think clubs need to have more social evenings at pubs or clubs with the chance to talk bikes, and fill in entry forms for the next trial, bring along a mate get him or her intrested, flog them a bike add to the numbers, only writing this as it is w##ing it down outside.

Regard's Charlie.

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On a more senceable note I think clubs need to have more social evenings at pubs or clubs with the chance to talk bikes.

Regard's Charlie.

I was going to say the problem we have in the UK is everybody's work lifestyle is to busy and no time to socialise,then i thought well the way this credit crunch thingy is taking hold we're all be in a Q with each other down the dole office once aweek scratching on. :lol:

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