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Overheating 2.9?


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this is a long one.

Turned out a number of problems.

First was the fuel over oiled and fouling the exhast. This caused the original fire. As we originally discussed

I then cleaned it up, changed fuel, changed spark, adjusted idle. Still running hot. So checked oil. It had gone milky. So changed seals and bearing on water pump. Refilled oil, water, again new fuel. Still very hot and melting fairing.

The problem. I put in an iridium spark plug when it first went to sh*t and it was to hot for the bike.

Thats not to say that the other stuff needed doing as well.

Thanks for the quick response though. Took it out today and got muddy and remembered why I bought the bike. If it had kept on running bad I was about to sell it and go back to M biking.

I think I could learn a valuable lesson here. Change one thing at once.


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this is a long one.

Turned out a number of problems.

First was the fuel over oiled and fouling the exhast. This caused the original fire. As we originally discussed

I then cleaned it up, changed fuel, changed spark, adjusted idle. Still running hot. So checked oil. It had gone milky. So changed seals and bearing on water pump. Refilled oil, water, again new fuel. Still very hot and melting fairing.

The problem. I put in an iridium spark plug when it first went to sh*t and it was to hot for the bike.

Thats not to say that the other stuff needed doing as well.

Thanks for the quick response though. Took it out today and got muddy and remembered why I bought the bike. If it had kept on running bad I was about to sell it and go back to M biking.

I think I could learn a valuable lesson here. Change one thing at once.


Glad you got it sorted. Was that a NGK plug? Some them others can do odd stuff!

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The problem. I put in an iridium spark plug when it first went to sh*t and it was to hot for the bike.

Sorry Pete but I run an iridium spark plug all the time so I can't see how that would have made your bike run hot.

Plug heat range is just to ensure the plug is kept clean of carbon deposits, with the heat rang of your engine.

Best of balance.


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  • 4 months later...

i know this is an old thread...but it may help other folk with a similar problem to know....my bike ran exactly this way, mega mega hot then eventualy staor failiure....it done all this pretty much soon after i bagan running an irridium plug .

perhaps the combination of retarded timing and the irridiuam plug is not a good mix.....

maybe a load of crap, two and two guess work...but there seems to be a pattern here...... <_<

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