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No More Montesa Imported To The Us?!?!


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The cross winds of rumor have indicated that montesa will no longer be imported to the States.

Looking on their website confirms this to a point.

US Montesa

Seems like parts are still available but there are 20 some new bikes stuck in a warehouse that the Government wants to boot back to Spain or Japan. Will they be able to be used in a world round here? Would this make this country unable to hold a world round? So many questions. Apparently paper work was ignored and the Feds put the smack down. Hmmmm maybe honda can import them as a honda. Put one in every dealership like yamaha has??? That would be cool.

We shall see...... (Note other than the official release all of this is rumor based and not the stance of Trials Central)


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I knew that Lewissport had taken over the parts but I was not aware that you could no longer get one in the states and that all importation would cease to happen. Oh well such is life. I am behind the times. They were not selling anyways so I guess that this shouldn't be a surprise. :thumbup:


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I knew that Lewissport had taken over the parts but I was not aware that you could no longer get one in the states and that all importation would cease to happen. Oh well such is life. I am behind the times. They were not selling anyways so I guess that this shouldn't be a surprise. :thumbup:


would like to be there when the feds sell them off

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The cross winds of rumor have indicated that montesa will no longer be imported to the States.

Looking on their website confirms this to a point.

US Montesa

Seems like parts are still available but there are 20 some new bikes stuck in a warehouse that the Government wants to boot back to Spain or Japan. Will they be able to be used in a world round here? Would this make this country unable to hold a world round? So many questions. Apparently paper work was ignored and the Feds put the smack down. Hmmmm maybe honda can import them as a honda. Put one in every dealership like yamaha has??? That would be cool.

We shall see...... (Note other than the official release all of this is rumor based and not the stance of Trials Central)


Total Nonesense. There are no 20 bikes stuck anywhere. Some of these rumors are amazing. Feds, Government Smackdown, No more World Rounds, Lions and Tigers and Bears, OH MY! You guys should question your sources.


Edited by Martin Belair
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It is simple, the weak US Dollar has priced the four strokes out of the US market. Everyone is buying the less expensive 2 strokes.

Besides with the US economy on the verge of collapse we have more important problems than the trials business.


Aye & you make it up as you go along as well.

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Montesas are still available in North America. I am the Canadian distributor and I believe individuals willing to import from Canada will have very little diffculty doing so. But with the price of the euro and a price increase for the bike in Spain, it is not going to be as cheap as it was. I expect about $9600CDN which as of this moment is $9286US. The 2009s I hope to have in November. Don Doerksen Cascade Motorsports www.cascade-motorsports.com

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First off, thanks Martin for stepping in and once again posting up the facts! I had heard some silly rumours too, but, I have the benefit of knowing you and that you are a stand-up guy! I sometimes think it unfair for you to have to even dis-pell the silliness, but such is the age we are in now with the internet! :thumbup:

I have some conficted feelings about the whole 4T experiment. One thing is, I love the 4Ts and I think it is great to have a choice for different people. I wanted to try one for so long, but honestly, it is hard to justify the price difference. I finally got to have one, but got a used one at a price I could afford at the time. I love it, and after a year now think that again the only thing that would make me go back to a 2 stroke is the price. To me that is kinda sad. I know others wont care, but if I am a manufacturer, this would be a concern because I dont think I am in the minority with my situation. I know for the most part the 4T is probably a bit more expensive to build, but I dont think its practical to be more that a few hundred dollars more than a 2stroke.

I dont know what does everyone else think....I know it must be tough for anyone selling bikes for a living these days.


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Total Nonesense. There are no 20 bikes stuck anywhere. Some of these rumors are amazing. Feds, Government Smackdown, No more World Rounds, Lions and Tigers and Bears, OH MY! You guys should question your sources.


My source was a dealer and when I asked what it would take to get an 09 in the states this is what I got. If the reason for not importing is just cost that that is a reasonable explaination but this was not what I was told. Amazing? So is my dealer misinformed?

As for the world round issue. That was a question that I had. A what if senario.... Detroit Lions stink. I know I work 500 yards from their training facility. Detroit Tigers are ok when they feel like getting off their a$$. Chicago bears time has past.

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My source was a dealer and when I asked what it would take to get an 09 in the states this is what I got. If the reason for not importing is just cost that that is a reasonable explaination but this was not what I was told. Amazing? So is my dealer misinformed?

We understand, it is the dealers fault that you posted a load of cr@p on here.

Man-up and take responsibility for you own posts!

Edited by the observer
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The idea that cost is the final factor in why the bikes are not in the USA is bunk. I live in a small town (18 000 people) in Canada with people of average incomes where there are new 2008 Montesas and riders on 2006 Montesas'. We also have a local rental company with Montesas for clients. What really counts is dealer support. Honda/Montesa USA need to get their house in order and either supply the existing dealer network or sell the bikes in the Honda "Superstores"; their lack of attention to this issue speaks volumes on the commitment they have to the American niche trials market.


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We understand, it is the dealers fault that you posted a load of cr@p on here.

Man-up and take responsibility for you own posts!

So am i miss informed or do you want to just insult? I don't get it.... You seem angry. I am Manning up because this was a reply to "Me checking My sources". You need to read the post.

So I am giong to post this question as my question. If I wanted to get a 2009 montesa LEGALLY in the US where would I go? If you are a dealer then I will be sure not to go to you (the observer).


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