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Washing Your Bike


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Im interested to know how often people wash their bike? I used to wash mine after every ride but If its been a dry ride and the bike is still easy to work on afterwards I dont bother. even if the bikes been caked in crap there has been the odd time ive left it, (still changed the air filter etc though).

can anyone see why this could be bad practice? would it be damaging the bike in any way or do you find that the only downside to leaving it makes it is that its that bit harder to clean properly when you do get round to it. The way I see it, Less time washing the bike = more time riding it =]

Its always wash it the next day anyway. I ride from about 9am till 6pm and by the time I get back im ready for a bath never mind the bike!

All the best


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I wash my bike after use, sometimes the next day. in winter i clean it str8 away after transpot, road salt is not good for the exposed parts. i clean with pro-clean then protect with wd gt85 or if i feel flush i use the muc-off spray protection. i dont see the harm in letting field mud sit for a while but i am just a little anal.

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I try to clean it as soon as i get home from a trial either with the YOU HAVE USED WORDS OR A PHRASE WHICH ARE NOT PERMITTED ON THIS WEBSITE. PLEASE DELETE YOUR POST/TOPIC. DO NOT TRY TO CIRCUMVENT THE FILTERS IN PLACE ON THIS WEBSITE spray on detergent or with good old hot water and fairy liquid! Both work really well. If i don't wash it straight away it'll be the day after. The main reason i do it the same day is so that it is easier to clean plus if it was a wet trial, then leaving it in the garage over night covered in wet mud doesn't really help it. If it was an exceptionally muddy trial i'll strip her down and give a really good clean, getting into all the nooks and crannys that you can't get to when she is together. When i've finished, i would usually either spray it with the YOU HAVE USED WORDS OR A PHRASE WHICH ARE NOT PERMITTED ON THIS WEBSITE. PLEASE DELETE YOUR POST/TOPIC. DO NOT TRY TO CIRCUMVENT THE FILTERS IN PLACE ON THIS WEBSITE after spray or start her up and dry her down with the heat of the engine and a cloth. then give the spoke nipples a coating of wd40 to disperse the water and try to prevent them rusting and give the gear lever, brake lever, kick start and foot pegs springs and coating too, spot them seizing etc.

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I too am slightly anal and wash it after every ride as soon as I get home. The mud in south wales seems to set like cement if you leave it over night. To be honest, I don't even see it as a chore. I find it quite relaxing too. It is even more pleasant with a cold beer. To be a bit more enviromentally friendly I connected a drainpipe to a waterbut and use the water with my jetwash. I just wish I could be bothered to clean my house too !!!

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What is this procedure known as "Washing the Bike"????

Sounds like work.

OK I admit I wash the bike if it was a really muddy event, but usually the next day. Most often I have to get ready to go to work when I get home from an event. But if it just a bit "dusty" I'll leave it.

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I do enjoy washing the bike but its finding the time to!


I usually try to stop by the carwash on the way home, in spite of the fact it may feel like a pain-in-the-ars at the time and then blow dry it when I unload into the shop. If I'm setting up a Trial and will use it over several days together, and it's just dusty, I'll usually just check the filter, lube the chain and quickly spot lube pivot points and give it the once-over. With the pressure washer I only use the low pressure setting (and carefully around the radiator fins, fan and bearings) and only the "rinse", water only-no soap-which may corrode some parts and use WD40 on appropriate parts and pivot points, like the chain, before loading back into the trailer.

As I have an 02' Pro, it's not good to leave the engine caked with mud as it's Magnesium (03' on up are aluminum, except for the Raga, which is anodized, not painted) and prone to corrosion if not properly cared for.


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