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Hi fastandyc,

You'll need another new woodruff key. The crank nut must have a lock washer between it and the flywheel otherwise the engine vibes will shake the nut loose. The key is only there to locate the flywheel in the correct position and the locking action is fully dependant on the connection between the two (almost) matching tapers. The nut must be tight. If you haven't made up a strong flywheel holding tool (a steel flat bar with two accurately placed spigots that locate in the flywheel holes) then you can use a ring spanner on the nut, holding it into the flywheel with the left hand while at the same time holding your hand around the flywheel then belt the spanner with a heavy leather faced hammer - this was standard practice with the old Villiers motors - they even supplied a "Hammer tight Spanner". I still use this method. Can be frowned upon by purists who advise that the crankshaft can twist, maybe so but in over 30 years this has never happened.

Bye, PeterB.

when u say the crank must have a lockwasher between the flywheel and crank?

do u just mean the washer that sits under the nut that you torque to hold the flywheel on?

i take it theres not supposed to be a washer behind the flywheel?

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Hi andyc,

I wrote that there should be a locking washer between the crank nut and the flywheel, eg: a lock washer under the nut. Only use a lock washer here, not a plain or worn out spring washer - if unable to find such a washer, use a little loctite on the threads after first cleaning the oil off male and female surfaces.

Bye, PeterB.

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