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My feet keep slipping off the pegs in sections so it is either the boots or the pegs,

It certainly is not my riding that is just absurd and those of you who thought that it was my riding dont think about posting a reply because I no longer value your opinion, :huh:

As the boots are new it appears that my footrests are worn.

Just wondering what you guys thought were the best replacements?????

Edited by thespikeyone
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I had some S3 Ali pegs, felt good but wore down quick, Ive replaced them with some ghost pegs from TrialCast (steve who owns the company lives about 100 yards from my shop). they grip well, and are light, seem to wear well too, id definatly recommend them.

also dont forget that you dont want pegs that are too grippy, ever tried to dab and found your foot doesnt want to leave the peg? causes all sorts of pain!

either that or just improve your riding?

Tom :huh:

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Checked the footrests and they are not sloping down, or up for that matter and I don't know or have the equiptment to weld :huh: although I could get someone at work to do it, will I have to disconnect the electrics and stuff??

Had a look at the ghost ones, they look good but was thinking about paying the extra 50 quid for some titanium raptor ones they should last even longer than the stainles steel.

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take foot rest off and put a blob of weld on the part that stops off against the mounting. Won't need to worry electrics etc. Footrests need to slope up slightly so when the bike is lent over they then don't slope down and hence encourage your foot to come off

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Checked the footrests and they are not sloping down, or up for that matter and I don't know or have the equiptment to weld :huh: although I could get someone at work to do it, will I have to disconnect the electrics and stuff??

Had a look at the ghost ones, they look good but was thinking about paying the extra 50 quid for some titanium raptor ones they should last even longer than the stainles steel.

I have the raptors on my beta and they are the best pegs I have ever had. They don't pack up with mud and are very very strong. If you don't mind the cost I would get them.

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