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Techno Rear Brake Conversion?


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Hi, I am just starting up trials again after a few years off! I have bought a 250 techno, but the rear brake is next to useless, I have since heard that this is a common problem, so I was wondering if any of you fine gentlemen may have modified said item or converted it to a different system?

Any advise would be greatly received!

Many Thanks


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Hi Stork,

Thanks for the reply, I have just got a seal kit for the caliper, so I will try that first to see if it does the job. Two of the pistons seem to be sticking a little! I will fit new pads at the same time, hopefully that will do the trick.



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Good one, that should do the trick. Any marks or corrosion on the pistons means they will need replacement - you will never stop the leaks otherwise. Polish them up well and lubricate them with some Rubber grease or Brake fluid and you should be OK. Also make sure all the corrosion scale is cleaned out from the grooves that the seals fit into. It might pay to change your front brake fluid while you're at it, this should be done evry 2 years at the most anyway. Good luck and let us know if it fixes it!



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