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Hotel Trouble


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One day a Jew, a Hindu, and a Makem all arrived at their hotel to find that there had been a mix-up with the bookings, and that there was only one room left for them to share. The manager explained that this room only had two beds, but that there was a barn at a neighbouring farm which the farmer, an old friend of his, would let one of them sleep in free of charge.

They complained a bit, but since there was nowhere else to go, the Jew graciously said he'd sleep in the barn. The Hindu and the Makem were just settling down to sleep in their room, when there was a knock on the door. It was the Jew.

'I'm sorry,' he said, 'but there's a pig in that barn and because I'm Jewish I feel uncomfortable about sharing the barn with it.' 'No problem,' said the Hindu. 'I'll sleep out there instead.' So off he went to the barn, leaving the Makem and the Jew to share the room.

They were just settling down to sleep, when there was a knock on the door.

It was the Hindu. 'I'm sorry,' he said, 'but there's a cow in that barn and because I'm a Hindu I feel uncomfortable about sharing the barn with it.'

The Makem grudgingly agreed to give up his bed and stomped off to the barn leaving the Jew and the Hindu to share the room. The Jew and the Hindu were just settling down to sleep, when there was a knock on the door.

It was the cow and the pig.

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Oiy wri5hty..that's my joke ,I've got copyright on it,love hearing it again though....nice one.

You need to be much meaner in your delivery...like this...

How long does it take a Makem woman to have a 5h1t???

9 months :guinness:

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