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Brand & Ross

cota kid

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I hate it when politicians from any party have to wade in and give their view. It's not like they are beyond reproach is it? for instance, did Prescott lose his job for punching that geezer that time? Did he lose his job for shagging his secretary whilst on duty for the country? Complete and utter hypocrisy

:huh: Hypocrit isn't a strong enough word for it when it comes to Prescott,the original Turd of Turd Hall as they say in Ashington,(look Atom I know it's a sensitive subject for you since he boned your childhood sweetheart :D ).

Bearing in mind that I'm no big fan of Brand at least he's put his hands up to his mistake where as Prescott would just continue to bully and bluster his way through .

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Fair enough it thay mullet head had egged me I would have chinned him, but I also would have ended up in court and probably sacked.

When it comes to sleazy horrible politicians.

One word.


Mind you I see no harm in the public jumping on the persecution of Ross and Brand, maybe its about time the UK got some standards.

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Fair enough it thay mullet head had egged me I would have chinned him, but I also would have ended up in court and probably sacked.

When it comes to sleazy horrible politicians.

One word.


Mind you I see no harm in the public jumping on the persecution of Ross and Brand, maybe its about time the UK got some standards.

You used the M word, I thought there was no foul launguage allowed on TC. In future try M*ndelson.

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Fair enough it thay mullet head had egged me I would have chinned him, but I also would have ended up in court and probably sacked.

When it comes to sleazy horrible politicians.

One word.


Mind you I see no harm in the public jumping on the persecution of Ross and Brand, maybe its about time the UK got some standards.

Actually has this got anything to do with Cota Kid, doesnt he live in Dubai now ? :huh:

I had a lot of sympathy until I found out she is a dancer for the satanic sluts and actually has sha99ed brand and sold the details to the Sun

its all testicles really

trials bikes anyone ?

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Its all rubbish, Brand is a clown and Ross a fat overpaid goon who can't even foooking speak properly... where do you queue up for a job like theirs??

Andrew Sachs has more comedic talent in what's left of his (no doubt) wrinkley scrotum than Brand and Ross combined. I agree that Sach's granddaughter is as gormless as the two idiots who abused her grandad, but that doesn't give Ross or Brand the right to use our money to abuse him at length...... for minimal amusement.... if he had answered he would have run rings round em....

It reminds me of a song from a long lost musical..... Wizard of Oz.... 'If they only had a brain'

Now let's sack them both and fill their screen time with someone who has a discernible talent... Tony Bou, Dougie et all.... shall we make a suggestion to the Beeb ??

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Its all rubbish, Brand is a clown and Ross a fat overpaid goon who can't even foooking speak properly... where do you queue up for a job like theirs??

Andrew Sachs has more comedic talent in what's left of his (no doubt) wrinkley scrotum than Brand and Ross combined. I agree that Sach's granddaughter is as gormless as the two idiots who abused her grandad, but that doesn't give Ross or Brand the right to use our money to abuse him at length...... for minimal amusement.... if he had answered he would have run rings round em....

It reminds me of a song from a long lost musical..... Wizard of Oz.... 'If they only had a brain'

Now let's sack them both and fill their screen time with someone who has a discernible talent... Tony Bou, Dougie et all.... shall we make a suggestion to the Beeb ??

I'm here as well and My comments from Pistonheads stand. Sachs is living on Cleese and Booth's talent and has done for years. Let's face it I'm fed up with "Siberian Hamsters". Sachs Knows pretty well About his Grand daughters involvement with "Satantic Sluts" and that she screwed Brand. However he also to his credit has not wanted to be involved with the minority that have blown this situation beyond a joke. Brand is pretty much a curates egg, Ross however can put together a good interview and does a good job of Film 200x. He knows his target audience and not having him there on Friday night is really going to Kill BBC1. When it comes down to it Brand and Ross CAN live without the BBC. The BBC cannot live with alienating the audience they bring.

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