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Remeberance Day

steve fracy

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Disappointed that Andy did not have the time this year to post the link to that great Remeberance Day song and video that he ran in past years. Hope all of you out there are remembering ALL the veterans in our countries that have given the ultimate sacrifice so that we may enjoy the freedoms we have! If you go to U-Tube and search for the song Pittance of Time, you too can listen to it again this year!


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This is another one that I remember well. It's easy to distance yourself from what goes on, in fact squaddies do it more than anyone. It's where the squaddy sense of humour comes from. Laugh at everything, don't think too long about the negative side.

When you look at this vid, and remember that for every grave you can see, at least a few people, were heartbroken to lose their husband, son, dad(dy), brother, or indeed daughter, wife, mum(my), sister, it hits hard, and for one day a year it should.

It's good to remember that many of the people we're talking about (the armed forces) will have different political views, and religions for that matter, and many of them wouldn't be in the country they're in if they had the choice, but they've signed up to carry out the wish of the government of the day, which is elected by the rest of us sat at home.

If you're reading this

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Say what you like about history and the great fathers of our time, we should remember them well, as the future of our own children is currently at stake against radicals that would bring us back to the dark ages. Mostly by tribals that cannot even agree amongst themselves, and would readily blow up anything including themselves for nothing but terror!

It is a shame what our boys must go through in todays world! As they put forth their lives to save normal civilization under bizarre circumstance!

Hats off to the modern boys, as the have the hardest job of all, ever! Just crazy!

Seems any of the modern Muslem governments will twist anything to use against you, even when supporting them!

Bunch of liers and thieves! The lot!

I think things will get much worse!

Should have used George Patton's rule! As the friggin Russians are still very uncooperative and aggressive! Don't do hit for the rest of the world!

Edited by copemech
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