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North Pole For Charity


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Hi guys,

I have recently began a personal challenge, i am planning to walk the last two latitudinal degrees from 88 degrees north to 90 degrees north (the North Pole) - a distance of over 200kms. This expedition will take roughly three weeks, i will be part of a small team who will be unsuported from the moment of the drop-off (at 88 degrees) until we reach the North Pole. We will walk towing sledges behind us with all of the food, tents, clothing, etc we need for the full three weeks.

I will be trying to raise money to support this expedition and i will be raising money for the leading cancer research charity in the UK (www.cancerresearchuk.org). In total i have to raise roughly 35,000 Euros / 28,000 GBP, i will be approaching companies in the UK and in the Netherlands for support and sponsorship. If you would consider making a donation towards this journey or would like some more information please see www.dtlastdegrees.co.uk. All sponsors of 75 Euros / 50 GBP will be listed in the website and i will keep a monthly progress update to keep everybody up-to-date on how things are progressing.

The trip is schedulled for April 2010 which feels very soon considering how much money i have to raise, if you can help in any way, know of any companies or people that could offer me support please let me know,

If you got this far then thanks for reading,

Best regards,

Darrell Taylor



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