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Trial On Bodmin Moor (tokenbury)?


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Not sure if this is in the right place really but I've heard that there is a trial organised for next Sunday (30th) at Tokenbury (Cornwall) around the old mine workings, I believe it is organised by a club in Launceston. I see there are a few members on here with their club listed as Launceston, Holsworthy and Devonport and wondered if any one knew anything about this trial. I live in Pensilva, about half a mile from the site and wouldn't mind coming along for a look if something is going on. If anyone could give me any info it would be much appreciated.

Thanks, Allan.

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yes i shall be riding this trial. I rode it last year and it was one of the best that year run by the launceston club. its situalted on the darley ford / liskerd road under the carydon mast on the right. it willbe castrol sign posted off of the road. its should be 8 sections 4 laps with the usual routes of, beginer, novice, intermediate, and expert. should be a great day and i hope to see you there..


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Alot of help you lot are ;) , I found out myself and I'm not telling you now ^_^

It's not next Sunday it's the following one (7th Dec) and organised by Launceston motorcylce club. I don't know if any members of the club use these forums and hope they won't mind if I post a link to the pictures of previous trials they've organised, they look pretty good ^_^.


Ps, the only pussy on the moors is me on my bike :D

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i was just about to edit my post with the website link. ah well you beat me to it. watch out for the idiot on the beta 125, all he does is fall off ;)

Edit: yes thats the one... bit of a quary that you park in. if you drive down the road on the day, you will see the cars and vans parked there.

edit edit: just out of intrest, do you ride a old bsa bantam too?


Edited by yamahaty250xox
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No, no Bantam just an old heavy forked Beta ^_^

There are some excellent practise areas around there if only you were allowed to ride them legally, don't see how you can harm mining slag heaps really but there you go. I go up there on my MTB to practise balance but it's not the same, just end up hurtling down them for the grin factor ;) .


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