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Steam Packet Killing Tt


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Just been reading about exactly the same problem on the iomtt.com forum & it looks like you're not the only one that won't be coming.

I really hope this gets sorted out before it's too late.

I live for the TT races & love the excitement & atmosphere that's brought with all the visitors for those 2 weeks every year.

If the prices get any higher it'll end up being cheaper to fly. (obviously not possible with the bike though)

PS. 183 days to go!!!!

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Don't they do discount for ACU members?

The Steam Packet Company don't give discounts to anyone.

I attend the races as part of a sidecar team and we get Jack s***

It's about time The Tynwald stepped in.

People will not stand being fleeced constantly, and this company has been doing it for years.

Fuel prices have gone down recently, but they still add a

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Couldn't agree more, the prices are getting stupid.

There is currently a full review of the service underway, and don't know what the outcome will be but hopefully will mean prices reduce.

You have to accept though that there isn't the volume of traffic on the IOM routes for the rest of the year to make it as cheap as the ferry to ireland - pure economics, BUT no excuse for charging silly prices.

But my own personal view - forget them, if you want to come and watch the TT and all that goes with it, then pay the money, if you don't really want to and will settle for something less, then you pays your money you takes your choice ;).

And in relation to the two day, there are ways to reduce the cost. For example we travelled off the Island to the Lakes Two Day in October. In my van there were 4 of us, which worked out at

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on the other hand ... how much does it cost to buy and maintain said ship how much fuel does the thing use how much is thier insurance how much are thier labour costs.. i bet it aint cheap..

if i had a business ( as i do) where demand at certain times exceeded supply (as i do) i 'd charge accordingly . when times are slack as they are for me at a certain time of year then prices are virtually halved..

and come on 204 quid to transport you and your bike across 50 miles of irish sea in relative comfort..and back again.. its hardly a lot is it..

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on the other hand ... how much does it cost to buy and maintain said ship how much fuel does the thing use how much is thier insurance how much are thier labour costs.. i bet it aint cheap..

if i had a business ( as i do) where demand at certain times exceeded supply (as i do) i 'd charge accordingly . when times are slack as they are for me at a certain time of year then prices are virtually halved..

and come on 204 quid to transport you and your bike across 50 miles of irish sea in relative comfort..and back again.. its hardly a lot is it..

Stena have the same problems as any ferry operator, yet they can charge

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I reckon the IOM government has got to realise that if the ferry price comes down, more visitors will come. I've done the last 5 years of Manx, and it really is an amazing trial, but not sure about 2009 yet. It's cheaper to go to France unfortunately and have 4 days over there.

Maybe subsidy is the way - even nationalised ferry in the interests of the islands tourism?

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Yes, i can see a few problems with the youth round and the sidecar round the following day with the prices and the weather too. I hope that too many people aren't put off by prices but they shouldn't be as high as they are at TT in February.

Take a look in Youth Trials, reagrding the first round of the 2009 Youth Championship. Might be helpful to you, telecat. And others hopefully.

Edited by manx2day
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