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Say Goodby To The Old Tank!


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Well, the time has finally come as the old Dell trotline weight is going out the back door!

This massive P4 powered machine was quite the thing at the time, with windows ME and all! Expensive !

In the later years it still managed to survive in the shed with a fan replacement or two, a bit of memory upgrade and a clean slate running XP.

Weighing near 50lbs and taking as much space as a small refrigerator, it has been oil and solvent soaked in the shed, tolerated mudwasps, dust and dirt and kept on.

Just basically bulletproof!

Goodby old friend, I'll keep the magnets out of your hard drive for enjoyment!

Doubt the wife will even appreciate the new Vista machine in the house, but at least I get to snatch the 5yr old XP thing. She is already bitching about the flatscreen! Doesn't like it! Oh well! :thumbup:

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