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Kenny The Rooster - Contains Adult Humour

the addict

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John received a parrot as a gift. The parrot had a bad attitude and an even

worse vocabulary.

Every word out of the bird's mouth was rude and laced with profanity. John

tried and tried to change the bird's attitude by saying only polite words,

playing soft music and anything else he could think of to 'clean up' its


Finally, John was fed up and screamed at the parrot. The parrot screamed

back. John shook the parrot and it got angrier and even ruder. John, in

desperation, grabbed the bird and put him in the freezer. For a few minutes

the parrot squawked and kicked and screamed. Then, suddenly, there was total

quiet. Not a peep was heard for over a minute.

Fearing that he'd hurt the parrot, John quickly opened the door to the

freezer. The parrot calmly stepped out onto John's outstretched arms and

said "I believe I may have offended you with my rude language and actions.

I'm sincerely sorry for my inappropriate transgressions and I fully intend

to do everything I can to correct my rude and unforgivable behaviour."

John was stunned at the change in the bird's attitude.

As he was about to ask the parrot what had made such a dramatic change in

his behaviour, the bird spoke-up, very softly: "May I ask what the turkey

did that was so wrong?"

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I think Ian may have started a new era on the Kenny thread of crap jokes, do your best lads :biggrinsanta: couple of pages will be plenty, finishes Boxing Day though after the crackers have been read

Yeah. They were pretty lame but there are some classics in this genre.... as Gizza5 has shown from the great TC :thumbup:

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:biggrinsanta: Copey, to us Brits that comment is funnier than some of these Kenny jokes :thumbup:

He must be on Wiki, for a comedian he was a great magician and for a magician he was a great comedian!! R.I.P. Tommy.


That is funny stuff! In a way it reminds me of Red Skelton's slapstick!

Red could usually allways keep a straight face! Untill!

It does seem ironic in a way, as it does seem that everyone we grew up with are dead now. Oh well, my best to all, and wish you all a Merry Christmas. It is after all, a time to remember.

Here is a bit to honor Red, they mentioned 70 years!

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A recent survey found that six out of seven dwarfs were not............................. happy :biggrinsanta:

Is there a prize for the worst joke.............Do I win?

Gizza I thought that one was quite good mate, had a little chuckle, not long though, wait till you pull some crackers on the day mate

I ran into the back of a Mondeo this morning in the snow, dwarf gets out and shouts "I aint ****ing Happy" I shouted back "Which ****ing one are you then?"

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Gizza I thought that one was quite good mate, had a little chuckle, not long though, wait till you pull some crackers on the day mate

I ran into the back of a Mondeo this morning in the snow, dwarf gets out and shouts "I aint ****ing Happy" I shouted back "Which ****ing one are you then?"

Snow Wite was feeling Grumpy......................................Lucky Buggar :biggrinsanta:

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I got interviewed last week by a very nice young lady, she said "whats your house like ?"

I said "I've got a semi"

which would have been fine, but then I showed it to her.....

NOT ME NOT ME it was Jimmy Carr

seen as its christmas can we put my joke back up about the aussie breakfast quiz ??

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More Jimmy Carr..

My girlfriend used to get upset because I left the toilet seat up. So, I don't do that anymore; I put it down. But there's no winning with her. Now she gets annoyed because it's covered in p*55!

When does Sadam Hussein have his supper?

When Tariq Aziz!

Why did H kill himself?

Because G had

My own...

The Mackem kids next door have challenged me to a water fight so I thought I'd type this message while my kettle boiled!

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One for Tony27:

a bloke walks into a bar in New Zealand & orders a shandy

all the kiwis sitting around the bar look up expecting to see another ozzie vistor

the bartender says,"you aint from around here are ya?"

the bloke replies,"no,i'm from Canada"

the bartender says,"Canada!,do you do in Canada?"

the guy says,"i'm a taxidermist"

the bartenders says,"tixidermist!,what the hick is a tixidermist?,do you drive a tixi?"

"no" says the Canadian,"a taxidermist dosen't drive a taxi,he mounts animals!"

the bartender grins & yells out!

"he's ok boys,he's one of us!!"

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One for Tony27:

a bloke walks into a bar in New Zealand & orders a shandy

all the kiwis sitting around the bar look up expecting to see another ozzie vistor

the bartender says,"you aint from around here are ya?"

the bloke replies,"no,i'm from Canada"

the bartender says,"Canada!,do you do in Canada?"

the guy says,"i'm a taxidermist"

the bartenders says,"tixidermist!,what the hick is a tixidermist?,do you drive a tixi?"

"no" says the Canadian,"a taxidermist dosen't drive a taxi,he mounts animals!"

the bartender grins & yells out!

"he's ok boys,he's one of us!!"

:thumbup: Good one!

Merry Christmas to you, Kiwi!


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