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Kenny The Rooster - Contains Adult Humour

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Naah, ees a cockney geezer Al Murray.

He acts the bigot but he knows his stuff,he studied history at Cambridge...here's his other persona------CLICK

As for Triumphs :marky::marky:

I've been looking into a Mk1 Miata (as you would call them) and I can see where the British sports car industry went wrong.

Back on topic:- Latest news today,: American scientists have finally developed a car that runs on water! Sadly, so far it only works with the water from the Gulf of Mexico.

This joke was sponsored by BP.

I was actually referring to Triumph motorcycles of late, not those old cars, although I always thought the Spitfires looked really good sitting on the side of the road!

You would need to tell me what "Cockney" means, yet I did find another I liked,

Could we hire this guy? :rolleyes:

Edited by copemech
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But there is one question that I have always pondered. If a Nations wealth is built upon it's natural resources and the productivity of the people, just how do folk on an island survive in a world economy?

Copey, we could get into a long discourse about this subject, but in a nutshell: the UK was sucessful because of what we now call "value add". Bare of most resources itself (actually the demand outstripped internal supply soon after the industrial revolution or the early 1800's) the UK processed many raw materials into their finished product such as stainless steel, cotton fabrics etc. In order to secure the supply of these raw materials the UK need a strong navy, merchant navy and an empire. The combination of the technical skills acquired by industrialisation, the navies and the empire built the UK into the most formidible trading society the world has ever known. At it's peak it eclipsed even the US at it's peak.

If you look at the history of Japan and compare their history with the UK's you'll find that there are many similarities.

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I was actually referring to Triumph motorcycles of late, not those old cars, although I always thought the Spitfires looked really good sitting on the side of the road!

Triumph joke from the 70's:

A Triumph biker pulls into a petrol-station and the service-attendant fills the fuel-tank up then asks where to put the oil, the rider replies ''Oh, just spray it over the crankase and my boots, it'll save time !''

I used to work with a lad who restored Triumph Spitfires for a hobby, those things had nasty snap-oversteer characteristics and needed about a million degrees of rear wheel camber just to go in a straight line, plus getting a lift home in a small open top car made you feel ,err, well,,,like a right pair of poofs ! :marky: NOT!

You would need to tell me what "Cockney" means, yet I did find another I liked,

Could we hire this guy? :rolleyes:

Wiki;-.....''The term Cockney has both geographical and linguistic associations. Geographically and culturally, it often refers to working class Londoners, particularly those in the East End. Linguistically, it refers to the form of English spoken by this group''.....

It comes from the words for ''cock-egg'' which is a misnomer, so it ultimately means a distrustful person (which is an image that the Cockneys themselves love to perpetuate !) or as the Cockneys would like to say;- ''A dodgy geeza''

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You may have been wondering why I've been keeping a low profile :rolleyes: these days but I received this letter a few months ago and I haven't answered the front door since:-

Notification Of Compulsory Enlistment

Mr. Wayne Simpson

13 Makumeeta Drive


Tyne and Wear

NE1 4T

Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2009 10:40 PM

Subject: Notification Of Compulsory Enlistment

Notification Of Compulsory Enlistment

Under the Emergency Powers Act (1939) as amended by the Defence Act

(1978), you are hereby notified that you are required to place yourself on

standby for possible compulsory military service in the American Conflict.

You may shortly be ordered to depart for the Middle East where you will join

either the 3rd Battalion The Queen's Own Suicidal Conscripts or the 2nd Foot

and Mouth. The regulars are too busy driving Green Goddesses to be there


Due to the recent rundown of the Navy and the refusal of P&O to lend

us any of their liners, because of the deplorable state in which they were

returned after previous adventures in the Falklands and the Gulf, it will be

necessary for you to make your own way to the combat zone. H.M. Government

have been able to negotiate a 20% discount on one way trips with Virgin

Airlines and you are strongly urged to take advantage of this offer, RyanAir

also do a nice little

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Copey, we could get into a long discourse about this subject, but in a nutshell: the UK was sucessful because of what we now call "value add". Bare of most resources itself (actually the demand outstripped internal supply soon after the industrial revolution or the early 1800's) the UK processed many raw materials into their finished product such as stainless steel, cotton fabrics etc. In order to secure the supply of these raw materials the UK need a strong navy, merchant navy and an empire. The combination of the technical skills acquired by industrialisation, the navies and the empire built the UK into the most formidible trading society the world has ever known. At it's peak it eclipsed even the US at it's peak.

If you look at the history of Japan and compare their history with the UK's you'll find that there are many similarities.

Tim old boy, I agree with all that, yet most production has gone to China! We have all exported jobs faster than we can create them. My Jap camera is made in China! WTF!

No longer think we need a strong Navy to guard ships owned by the Koreans to bring crap to sell to us from China and elsewhere ! False profits by importers and salesmen sucking our own blood! Easy Money! Just move product!

Skilled labor?, I think these fecks are dying off faster than youcan replace them, for the most. :rolleyes:

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Tim old boy, I agree with all that, yet most production has gone to China! We have all exported jobs faster than we can create them. My Jap camera is made in China! WTF!

Production Copey. Design is still firmly in the "wests" hands. We also tend to see consumer goods as the be-all and end-all of produced items. In fact they're a relatively small portion of production. Maybe not numercally but in value. If you look at the big ticket items like, for example, alternators used in power stations, the "west" still dominates here. Look at high tech items like lab equipment, it's dominated by "western" companies.

Skilled labor?, I think these fecks are dying off faster than youcan replace them, for the most. :rolleyes:

Yeah, all the kids leaving school today want to be managers, but haven't the foresight to figure who'll they'll be managing. Engineering is just too hard and they'll be content to farm it out to India and China (incidently my experience of Indian engineers isn't good, they're really short in the lateral thought department)

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my experience of Indian engineers isn't good, they're really short in the lateral thought department)

Hell my experience with any engineer has not been good...........All I hear is "It works on paper" or "It specs out properly" or my favorite "There is no reason this should not be working". And this is after repeatedly proving in real time and actual operation that their POS is not working.

Don't get me wrong Engineers fill a very needed and vital part of the process of getting things done. They have the ideas and the starting point. They are just not very good at accepting they may be wrong and need to re-figure a thing or two to make this thing work properly.

Previous rant provided by a production worker that has to use this equipment every day.

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Who wrote the spec? Look no further.

AAAHH! but you see these engineer guys believe the spec is like the Holy Word of God and not able to be incorrect, so therefore the piece of equipment is correct for the application even though it is proven in operation that it is not working for what they want. So because it is specified for that then we lowly operators just don't understand and are not worth listening to.

Other things they like to do as an example.

Equipment runs at a average of 120 psi. (notice "average" so it will on occasion go higher)

Spec for two pieces of equipment.

Equip A is operating range for 20psi - 200psi costs $1200

Equip B is operating range for 20psi - 125psi costs $800

B is cheaper and the whole world runs on saving $$$$$ right now, nobody thinks long term anymore.

So they purchase B and don't understand why it won't work when the pressure spikes up to 135psi.

So now we are faced with down time and repairs because we are pushing the equipment at it's upper range 95% of the time and the other 5% we exceed the upper range and break it.

These are the things I find frustrating.

I will temper my post with the following: NOT ALL engineers are like this, but there are a large percentage out there.

OK enough ranting from me.

I would also like to restate that Engineers do provide a vital part of making things work and getting things started. But it would be nice if they could admit that they have made a mistake at those times they make a mistake. I am not trying to lump all engineers in one category, just complaining about the bad ones. (and there are quite a few)

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