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Kenny The Rooster - Contains Adult Humour

the addict

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Let's switch the focus....Copey, is that a stock photo of two American schoolboys wit da moobs? :hyper:

I was thinkin lets switch focus and be nice to people, we are still trying to clean up after our humour p****d off the romans a while back.... But no crack on Ham lets go for the scotch and the Yanks, still at least Copey wont have a gun soon....

I'm ganna build an air raid shelter, this might turn ugly

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Let's switch the focus....Copey, is that a stock photo of two American schoolboys wit da moobs? :hyper:

As usual, yous got's to splain dat to me! I am not up on geordie slang!

pl n informal , derogatory ( Brit ) overdeveloped breasts on a man, caused by excess weight or lack of exercise

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