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You Wouldn't Want To Be This Guy....

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not sure if i would buy a bike from someone called WADDACK HUNT?

my dad was once thinking of going into buisness with his mate glad they did not my dads called wright his mate was called crooks, would you buy something from WRIGHT CROOKS. good chance it might of fell on its a***.

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I swear this is true, I nearly passed out when we met them because it would have been so impolite to laugh...anyhoo our friends who now live in France had some of their friends visiting from the US. At the inevitable party we were introduced to Mr and Mrs Less ..... Ruth and Richard...you can make the rest up yourselves...it was so funny

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Went to a seminar once and met a Korean politician (or MP or governor??) called Him Bum Suk...well it made me laugh.

When I worked in an engineering factory the newest receptionist was always asked to put a tanoy out for the usual suspects:

Mike Hunt or

Warwick Hunt or

Hugh Janus or

Juan Kerr....etc..I'm sure you've heard them all before.

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