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Rules For Next Year


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From next year clubs in the UK will have to run trials under the world rules(stop and hop without penalty) or no-stop.

What rules will your club be using and will it be a change to any national trials?

Will the clubs moving to the new rules be using any timers in the sections?

Our club, Sheffield and Hallamshire will be moving to full no stop.

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Our club, Sheffield and Hallamshire will be moving to full no stop.

That would me my choice Mark, as it is what I prefer :P

ESTC are ''Stopping'' and ''Hopping'' roll on 2009 off to practice this on the 28th!! be knackered within 1/2 hour :D

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Should be easier for us observers. No more, did he stop or didn't he, or how long are you allowed to stop before you lose a mark.

Good in theory.

On the down side, I could run out of hands. One for the observers board, one for the pen, one for the brolly and now one for the stop watch !!!!!!!!!!

Which leaves no hands for the mug of tea and the Mars bar.

I don't want to think about time limits and who's responsible for telling the rider when the're about to run out. If the're in the section that long I'll charge them rent!!!!!!!!

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I mentioned this on another topic and got slightly chastised for it but one of the rules is you can fail a rider for unnecessary delay so the way i see that is like bikespace Say's if they take to long give them a warning if they persist on p**sing about 5 em ( get on or get out ) if a observer does this why I'm clark of the course i will back them to the hilt. i think the new rules will work out OK. i don't care which rules i ride under just out to enjoy myself, but under non stop, riding a section hit a bit of a hole or clunk a big rock briefly stop and i mean briefly and are given a five for it bit of a bugger that.

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we're running one of the first trials (a big centre trial) of the year, and our observing team in the main aren't trials regulars, and i really don't look forward to explaining it to our observers :D

personally (as an observer), i'm of the opinion that a real p*** taker might need some penalty, but the way i read it, the rider has carte blanche to take all day ......

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Considering trials is a relatively small sport I cannot understand why we have 2 sets of rules? Lets just stick to one rule for all and lets not over complicate things.

Good call, if you want to stop, hop etc do it (if you can) if you dont then dont - SIMPLE!

I know riders that will stop, hop/correct then ride on and still get beaten by better riders who ride non stop.

Anyone who has seen people like Mick Andrews ride, knows you dont need to stop, but give people the option!!!!

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Please do not too carried away with this - especially on the subject of time in a section.

Those who are afraid that a rider can take the pi.. and stay in a section all day , are ignoring the fact that for years and years , once a rider had a 1 - which is quite likely for most of us - they could still have sat there all day for no further penalty? It did not happen.

Personally, while I realise that most organisers will not bother to introduce a time limit on a section , I think that eventually they will.

I observe in our British Champ each year - and I regard myself as an old fart with poor eyesight and little patience, and certainly not as good as most observers out there.

I can honestly state however that pressing a button on an automatic clock at the same time as I blow a plastic whistle as I see the rider enter the section has not been that great a challenge. Equally - I take no notice of the clock until a hear the buzzer sound - and if rider is still in section - he gets a five. It really is not a problem.

For British Champ the time is 1 min 30sec - and it does take a few seconds to reset clock - but if you use 1 minute - which is quite sufficient for normal trials - the reset is simplicity itself - i.e press a button.

So - what I say - is keep an open mind - I think you may be surprised how some Observers find the rules far less taxing ( no judgement needed about a pause and so on )

My Centre and Club are not going to initially time sections - but I hope to run one trial later in the year and use the clocks just to show how simple it really is.

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