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Carb Cleaning On Rev3


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Gday, remove it from the bike (obviously) and remove the top cap and float bowl. Use only quality screwdrivers that fit properly! Remove the slide and put aside carefully. Remove the float noting how it all fits together (take pictures if necessary). Remove the 2 jets from under the float area and the needle from the needle valve (float). Lightly screw in the idle and mixture screws counting turns and recording them. Unscrew fully. Use throttle body or Carb cleaner and go mad making sure every little passage is free and clear. Likewise with the jets and flaot needle. Clean off the outside of the carb body and carefully do the slide also. Reassemble all as they came apart. Check the float level - search around in here Im sure it would be documented somewhere. Fit the bowl and carb top/cable etc. Do the airfilter while you are at it.



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