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Doesn't It Look A Lot Like


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Is that the CoC on the left in Blue plotting out the section :huh:

Ishy had a trickle of water coming down a banking to the left of that photo so he set too with some rocks, logs and concrete a few summers ago. The beck section isn't quite up to SSDT standards but it is pretty good and it looks natural (bugger's always moaning about man-made sections too!)

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Last time I was able to get to the store was Saturday, since then we have had a couple more feet of snow, got plenty of food and firewood, and not lost power yet, but the way trees are coming down, with the weight of snow and ice on them it won't be long before we are out of power.

Lad's are having a good time though.


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I think you could do with rephrasing that! If he's buggered, he wont be having any babies for sure :banana2:

OK, think I got it now!

Ishy, If they cut off your primary sourses of enjoyment, meaning the bike and computer and phone, all to play with will be the--------?

Nevermind, I just hope you don't run out of matches, too hard on the wood to build a fire! :huh:

Edited by copemech
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