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Ty250 Float Needle Valve Thingy


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It's my first post, so please be gentle :banana2:

Last time we were out on the TY250s, one fell over and wouldn't start so I stripped the carb. Not a good idea in the mud :banana2:

Anyway, the pin that holds the float on, fell out. I found that, but didn't notice that the float valve/needle also fell out :huh:

(1986 Monoshock jobbies)

I'm not sure if they are specific or one fits all. Do any other bikes have same carbs ?

Just hoping that somebody will know what it needs or has one that might fit. It's worth a few pints if one of you can help me out


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They should have what you need.

Generally when I've dropped any of my Monos, the carb floods and it won't start again. I was told the best way to get it going again is when it's still hot, put the choke on, hold the throttle fully open and keep kicking it until it starts up. It will struggle at first and sound really sick, but keep the throttle wide enough so the revs stay quite high but not revving out, just so it doesn't stall again.

If it has the TK carb, JK Hirst should be able to sort you out.

EDIT: Sorry, didn't see Andy T's post.

Edited by KuelMuel
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