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Christmas & New Year Was Crap


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Bad news by the day Andy, luckily Ive got work for the next few months but keeping a bloody good eye on things, few mates with **** all to do at the moment and plenty with very little. Still think the Banks have plenty more bad news yet that they're keeping stum about ****ers, wonder what year we will all have to pay back all this money Brown is chucking about. I see your from Ipswich though Andy? could it just be that?

Edited by The Addict
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Alright I will start by saying that Halloween is my favorite holiday.

(Also I am in the US)

but I am fed up with Christmas decorations and sales starting the day after Halloween.

We have another holiday yet before Christmas it is Thanksgiving.

(not sure if rest of world celebrates the Harvest or something at that time of year)

I say give every holiday it's own season.

Christmas has become over commercialized and is all about how much stuff one can get.

Now after saying all that.

I really enjoyed Christmas morning and day with my wonderful wife and 3 boys.

(yes the kids got presents) But that is what it is all about, spending time with family and being generous if able.

(if religious you are celebrating the birth of Christ, but that is another discussion altogether.)

I can't complain, I got a loving family, good job, house, cars, and trials bike. I may not be able to do a lot of "extras" in the new year, But hey things is still good for us.

There are many that don't have as good an outlook for 2009, and many more are losing jobs, or will be losing their jobs because of the crappy economy. :rolleyes:

Oh and rant over.

Edited by ZIPPY
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The economic outlook isnt great but I think society suffers from the 24 hr news channels

If you have 24 hr news programmed in then the news reader needs somthing to say. For this reason I think in recent years items have been over reported, the same message getting repeated day after day, hour after hour.

When thats bad news on the economy then it reaches more people and affects consumer confidence to a greater degree which then makes more bad news ! ie people get the message on house prices or the limits on borrowing so spend less, this effects sales, the drop in sales gets reported etc etc

Turn the news off and life isnt so bad

Christmas was great but I wish it lasted a week as its hard to fit everybody in.

next year I'll buy a 4rt and start it up then that should clear out the neighbourhood !

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The economic outlook isnt great but I think society suffers from the 24 hr news channels

If you have 24 hr news programmed in then the news reader needs somthing to say. For this reason I think in recent years items have been over reported, the same message getting repeated day after day, hour after hour.

When thats bad news on the economy then it reaches more people and affects consumer confidence to a greater degree which then makes more bad news ! ie people get the message on house prices or the limits on borrowing so spend less, this effects sales, the drop in sales gets reported etc etc

Turn the news off and life isnt so bad

Christmas was great but I wish it lasted a week as its hard to fit everybody in.

next year I'll buy a 4rt and start it up then that should clear out the neighbourhood !

Absolutely 100% right. (cept the 4rt bit!)

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Blocky Posted Today, 05:19 AM

Worst Christmas of my life...



and now bikeless

Things can only get better !!!

Thank god I have my kids to help me through

Blocky has something to complain about.

You have my sympathy, but unfortunately that ain't gonna help ya much.

agreed TOO MUCH news is constantly being reported and repeated.

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Christmas was great but I wish it lasted a week as its hard to fit everybody in.

Yeah Glen,you must really miss those Christmas orgies!!! :D;)

Seriously though,your points were very valid..

A: You (we?) can talk yourself into a depression.

B: Look to your family and friends to get a more 'rounded' perspective.

Yey, Glen for PM ;)

On the subject of neighbours/New Year.

I don't 'do' New Year as I find it brings out the ar5eh0le in too many people (like Jock hobos at a tube-station).

As if to prove my point, my neighbour/ex-mate, came banging on my windows in the small hours ,he frightened me, the wife and the kids so I had to point out the error of his ways ( I'm sure you can appreciate how to get the message across to some **** who's had way too much to drink.)

But on the upside for 2009 ,the foot's on the mend. :thumbup: .another month and I'll be back on't bike...stand-by........


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I hardly ever watch the news my old man has found me many a time watching cartoons with the kids and asked why I'm watching that rubbish you should watch the news instead, WHY to get depressed economic disaster, job losses, rising knife crime, falling house prises ( that does not bother me too much coz I'm keeping a eye on the price of boats, apparently the ice caps are going to melt and flood the bloody lot of us, I'll be one step ahead on that one ) so sod it i will keep watching cartoons with the kids and the endless repeats of top gear, porridge, Qi, mock the week in fact anything that can put a smile on my face.

on a personal note Christmas and new year were OK enjoyed time with the family and close friends, got the kids a Nintendo wii for Christmas and had a good laugh looking like a idiot showing them i might be older than em but still no push over on stuff like that. junior monopoly the little lads a genius takes after his mam money grabbing ruthless b****rd ( cr**py nursing home for me when I'm older).

no matter what comes my way this year sod it i will be better off than a lot of people out there work should be OK but quiet for a little while but mountain bike in the park with the kids costs nowt. i have every intention of fulfilling some smaller ambitions this year somethings to look forward too 2008 was a dodgy year for me bloody sure 2009 is not going to go the same way or at least not let it get to me the same.

so good luck to you all and i hope 2009 turns out a good one fingers crossed none of you have to suffer in any way what so ever all the best lads.


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