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How Do I Check Beta Rev 4t Float Height?


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Hi Guys

The 4T has started to get a slight hesitation off idle. Cos i have been messing with it.... whoops. http://www.trialscentral.com/forums/style_...icons/icon9.gif

I'd love to check float height but don't know if floats should be parallel to bowl joining face. Please help. Thanks.

I have been told that the bikes come with a disk with a maintenance manual. I don't have it. Can it be downloaded or can anyone send me a copy?

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Not sure about the disk you mentioned, my 07 and 08 did not come with a disk but did have a basic owners manuel. The factory does have a workshop manual for the 4T, I highly recommend this, it is on the motor only. I have this in a 3-ring binder with the papers in a plastic sleves and keep it on the bench for referencing.

I would be willing to bet a beer out of Copies ice box your bog has nothing to do with the floats ( level if fine ). I would suggest you take the carb off and clean it, there is a fuel screw on the bottom kind of hard to get to, start with it about 1-3/4 turnes out and work your way out till the bog is gone. It will depend on your weather and fuel quality as were the screw will end up, there is no magic setting.

Look for a replacement fuel screw that you can get to, I know jitie has one.

You can PM me or email rlracer4@hotmail.com I would be happy to help in anyway. Copie my 09 4-T will be here hopefully in time for the Indy trade show. Until then, now don't cry Copie I have a Sherco to practice with thanks to a friend !

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