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Problem With Beta 270 Rev3 -00


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My english is not so good but i will try to make it readable...

I have a beta 270 -00 and i cant get it to run proper. It drowning and 4strokeing when i give it gas. I have tryed to change fuel cleand the carb.

Does someone have some advise please lett me know.

Thanks for helping.


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It sounds like the bike is flooding with fuel.

At a guess I would say either the float height is incorrect (this site has some info in setting Beta carbs), or the floats are sinking because they have fuel inside the chambers, or the carb needs a clean to get dirt out of it.

I would also check the fuel tank is clean buy removing the tap and washing it through. And check your fuel filter is in good order.


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Was the bike running properly before you stripped the carb down, check ur floats are not in upside down, is the emulsion jet definatly clear of debris....

it does sound like your mixture screw is too far out thou... also check your reeds to see if they are worn and are not open too far all the time.

apart from these i cant think of anythin else it could be, sorry...

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