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Help Running Like A Pig


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please can anyone help have a 2001 montesa 315r and it runs bad from first start cant get the tickover right it loses power and seems to take for ever to warm up, then when it is warm usaully after riding two laps i have to keep re-adjusting tickover then it runs like a dream its driving me mad better mention the only mod cons is i changed the reeds to boysens i always clean the air filter have to admit havent changed spark plug for couple of meetings any help would be great many Thanks :D

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Could it be the crankshaft oil seal leaking and allowing it to pull in air. This would make it lean at low revs. I had this problem with an 18 month old Sherco. I must have stripped the carb 30 times before I realised.

Shame because the 315 is a top bike.

Regards Scraggydog

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Start by cleaning your carb. Pay particular attention to pilot circuit. The pilot jet is 2 parts in tandem. Remove them both and clean thoroughly - the holes in pilot jets are really tiny and easy to clog. While you are in there, take note of what size pilot and main jets you have, and what the needle clip position is. Take note of your current weather conditions, and do a search on this forum for "jetting".

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It's the weather, your bike is iceing up, don't alter anything.

When you first start it run it for 10 minutes or so on a high tick over & don't rev it. Stop it & let it stand for 5 minutes. Hopefully it then should run right for the rest of the day. Obviously just make sure the carb is clean etc before you use the bike.

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