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It Is In The Garage!

wayne thais

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I have had my new 2009 3.2 for about 3 weeks now. It is much better suited to slow riding than my 2004 2.9 was - it feels like it is geared much lower although it may just be the power characteristics of the 4 stroke.

It starts and runs fine - provided you follow the ritual. When it is cold you set the choke and leave the throttle closed and kick 2 or 3 times until you hear it pop out the exhaust. Then you push the choke off and kick it once or twice with the throttle closed and when it starts - you let it idle for a minute or two while you put on your helmet and gloves. After the short warm up you can start to give it some throttle - if you rush it and the bike stalls.....it is hard to decide if it needs more choke or just another kick. I flooded it once after stalling the bike by applying throttle too soon and it was very hard to get started as I had flooded it. It required lots of kicking with the choke off and the throttle open to get it running again.

I have owned about 15 bikes over the years and evey one was a two stroke and most were race bikes. It is taking me a little while to unlearn my old habits and begin to understand how a 4 stroke motor makes power. The 2 stroke bikes lacked torque and needed some revs to make things go and the more the engine revs the faster the bike would accelerate. This 4 stroke motor seems to be very stong at low revs and the power doesn't feel like it builds with revs - but I am sure that it does and it is just my 2 stroke mentality clouding my judgement. I have less than 4 hours of riding and am still learning and I have not challenged the bike with any kind of hills yet - it has mostly been slow riding and practicing balance and control.

I very much like the bike - however I would not call it a very quiet bike and could stand a bit less noise while riding around my property. I don't get on the throttle too much when I am near my neighbors houses and I wait until I am in the woods before I use much throttle. I am not sure the 3.2 is a better bike than the 2.9 - but it is different and probably better suited for my riding style. I am 53 years old and just now learning to ride trials......I have been away from motorcycles since 1978.

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have a 2007 4 stroke and like you i find it abit "undergeared" the bike has 42 T at the rear.

anyone changed this? i'm thinking to go to 40T at the rear

the bike is very nice to ride, i like it a lot, best 4 stroke i've had

regards bob

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Best to try a 10t countershaft sprocket first as this will only require moving the rear axle forward on the snail cams, otherwise you may be looking for extra chain links.

However one tooth on the front is approx 4 on the back so proceed with caution in the nadgery.


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have a 2007 4 stroke and like you i find it abit "undergeared" the bike has 42 T at the rear.

anyone changed this? i'm thinking to go to 40T at the rear

the bike is very nice to ride, i like it a lot, best 4 stroke i've had

regards bob

Just ride in 2nd, or 3rd, same effect, the motor does not care till you REALLY open the throttle! :closedeyes:

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