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Bike Maintenance & Religious Groups


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wondering if its just me or anyone else has this problem, seems like every time i drag the bike out of the garage to do the routine maintenance i have been putting off for weeks the car pulls up and they all jump out bible in hand bull**** ready. always with young kids in tow so you cant tell them where to go. as not to be offensive in front of children i stood there for twenty Min's listening to s***e i have no real interest in.

so if anyone reads this who does door to door bible bashing quick tip next time you see a bloke putting a air filter back into a gas gas ( square peg, round hole ) DON'T start banging on about the afterlife or you may just end up getting there sooner than you thought.

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wondering if its just me or anyone else has this problem, seems like every time i drag the bike out of the garage to do the routine maintenance i have been putting off for weeks the car pulls up and they all jump out bible in hand bull**** ready. always with young kids in tow so you cant tell them where to go. as not to be offensive in front of children i stood there for twenty Min's listening to s***e i have no real interest in.

so if anyone reads this who does door to door bible bashing quick tip next time you see a bloke putting a air filter back into a gas gas ( square peg, round hole ) DON'T start banging on about the afterlife or you may just end up getting there sooner than you thought.

I'm sorry, I'll move on to the next house then.

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it would of been OK if it was you b4ort could of had a chat about trials. that might be the answer i will get the acu hand book out next time and discuss rule changes with em for half an hour see how they like it.

junk e-mail winds me up also.

Lazar eye treatment

hair replacement

miracle weight loss pills

and the worst the blue pill ( Viagra type stuff i think )

starting to get a complex didn't think i had a problem

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Had you considered that this may be a sign from above that you shouldn't clean/service your bike ? Also if they are reading this can we look forward to mass conversions to <insert faith of your choice> between sections? Lastly would you believe that on holiday in France last year we even got a knock on the door there, seems there is at least 1 phrase that is understood the world over.

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wondering if its just me or anyone else has this problem, seems like every time i drag the bike out of the garage to do the routine maintenance i have been putting off for weeks the car pulls up and they all jump out bible in hand bull**** ready. always with young kids in tow so you cant tell them where to go. as not to be offensive in front of children i stood there for twenty Min's listening to s***e i have no real interest in.

so if anyone reads this who does door to door bible bashing quick tip next time you see a bloke putting a air filter back into a gas gas ( square peg, round hole ) DON'T start banging on about the afterlife or you may just end up getting there sooner than you thought.

Some God-pesterers once asked 'if I had time to talk about the Lord' to me. They may have got furhter and with less effing and Geoffing if they had not directed the question to my soze 10s poking out from under my car. Seriously...

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so if anyone reads this who does door to door bible bashing quick tip next time you see a bloke putting a air filter back into a gas gas ( square peg, round hole ) DON'T start banging on about the afterlife or you may just end up getting there sooner than you thought.

use your left hand

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We often get some scruffy oiks handing out leaflets offering various garden maintenance services... always with just a mobile number on it.

They then ask me how fast it goes.... then their dad/brother/cousin (or all three) pick them up at the end of the road in a transit tipper truck. That's why I always keep the garage door closed when I'm cleaning the bikes and always lock them up like fort knox.

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