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Tips On Reverse Bleeding Please


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Hi guy's,

I am renewing the clutch slave seals while i have the engine casing off to do the kick start mechanism. I have watched the gas gas videos on you tube about bleeding the brakes, etc using a syringe at the bleed nipple. My question is do you have to hold the lever in to let the fluid pass into the master cylinder or do you slowly pump it or just leave it alone and watch for the fluid to rise up into the master cylinder. I'm going to be replacing the leaking seals in the clutch master cylinder when they arrive too.



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After you have replaced the seals in grooves on the spigot fixed to the clutch case fill the 'top hat' shaped plunger with fluid and hold it upright as you slide it over the new seals. This should push any air up through the case and beyond the bleed nipple. If you then turn the bars to a full right hand lock (so the clutch lever is at the highest point) and gently pull the lever the system will self bleed. If you take the reservoir cap off you will see minute air bubbles escaping as you tickle the lever. You only need to move the level a small amount. Always works for me :D

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