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Clutch Problem...


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I recently had to change the water pump seal and shaft because water was getting into my gearbox. since I put new oil in the clutch has been acting stangely. its rides normally for the most part but when my front wheel is up against a rock and Im balancing I push the bike into the rock with the clutch. Its fine for a while but after 5 or so seconds it starts to engage more and more until the lever is right against the bars and the bike is trying to drive up the rock.

Is this a symptom of swollen clutch plates from the water being in the gearbox oil? if not, any idea whats causing it?

Hope my description was ok, its hard to describe it accuratly!


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Hi Tom,

As Lowbrow said first I would check your clutch pack height and it might be worth changing your seals at the same time.

Good luck!

Notice your from Chesterfield/Sheffield way, Do you know of anywhere to practice? I'm from Worksop down the road.


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I Bet,as Lowbrow said,its the seal at the slave cylinder end.its letting a minute amount of fluid through and letting the clutch engage.only shows up with the clutch disengaged for some time.When it gets worse you'll see the level in the master cylinder drop

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Makes sense! is it a big job? ive never had the clutch casing off before but I have the manual on how to do it. whats involved after its off? is it easy to change the seals and to bleed?

Matin. Ive looked online and all the places I ride are about an hour away from you I think. where do you ride at the moment?


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Before you do any thing take the master cylinder top off pull and hold the clutch lever in and look carefully to see if the fluid is comming back in the resevoir it is almost likely you have a score in the master cylinder

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good advice for me 2. ive got a gas gas 280pro 2002 i suk the fluid from the master cyclnder on the bars and sringe new fluid in from the nipple on the bottom it just seems like a bottomless pit as tho i could go through bottles n bottles of the stuff and it neva reli worked wen it baught it (me wat a penis) new to the game so dont reli no wat am doing am wondering do you think ive got the same problems as the others on hear cheers karl

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