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Anyone Had A Problem With Diadora Stone 3s


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Hi, just wondered if anyone has had any problems with Diadora Stone 3 boots?

These were recommended to me by a well known motor cycle shop in Darlington and to my disappointment within 15 minutes of putting them on the stitching had started to come away. I returned them to the shop and when they asked me what I wanted to do and I said I would like a replacement pair or my money back, they said they would speak to the local rep and UK importer for Diadora. It took five weeks and several phone calls later before I had a call to say my boots had been repaired (not replaced). Upon returning home and looking forward to a day out on the bike, I got my kit ready and cleaned the boots down only to find that the stitching was coming away again. When I looked closer it was obvious that the boots hadn't been repaired and the stitching just "tucked in". When I spoke to the motor cycle shop I was offered a pair of slight second boots in return for what I had paid top money for and I asked for my money back but they would not help me and gave me the number for the UK importer. After a lengthy conversation with the importer I was once again fobbed off and told that that was the nature of the sport and they would probably have come away anyway at some point. On a lighter note they did offer me 15% off my next purchase but no new boots. (would I be able to trust any future products from them).

Edited by JasonCoates
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Demand your money back, you have a contract with the seller not the importer and they have a duty to sell goods fit for the purpose and those boots a'int. Dont get fobbed off as the shop will get their purchase price (not retail price ) back from the supplier . You have the law %100 on your side and if you bought on your credit card you could claim back from them


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My Diadora's did the same after the first ride I noticed one of the seams in the front of the boot had ripped open. Garne for me from now on. Yeah they wear out in the back but only after about four years of abuse. The feel of the rear brake in the Garne is also a lot better.

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Is the stitching actually coming away and the seam opening up? Or are there just loose threads visible? Sometimes in the manufacturing you get left with what look like loose threads from where the sewing machines finish their line, these are usually burnt off at the 'finishing' stage but sometimes can be forgotten. To the untrained eye it does give the impression that the seam is coming away.

It its just loose threads then don't worry as the seam should still be as strong as intended (you can burn the threads off yourself if you like) If the seam is actually coming away then absolutely get your money back as provided the boots only have reasonable wear, or less then that, it is a manufacturing fault. 15 mins use is not 'reasonable wear' for the seams to be breaking!

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Demand your money back, you have a contract with the seller not the importer and they have a duty to sell goods fit for the purpose and those boots a'int. Dont get fobbed off as the shop will get their purchase price (not retail price ) back from the supplier . You have the law %100 on your side and if you bought on your credit card you could claim back from them


Totally agree. Get your money back or a new pair as replacements.

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It may be worth phoning the distributors as well, I think it's Apico but you may need to check.

I agree with the others though, go in the shop and demand your money back.

Service like this should be stamped out, if you don't get a good result having given them plenty of sensible chances, name them and shame them.

Good luck.


I highly recommend Alpinestars, had mine for about 4 years and they are brilliant after lots of use, but I can't help feel it's the luck of the draw as I have seen others on here give them a right old slating....

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It may be worth phoning the distributors as well, I think it's Apico but you may need to check.

I agree with the others though, go in the shop and demand your money back.

Service like this should be stamped out, if you don't get a good result having given them plenty of sensible chances, name them and shame them.

Good luck.


I highly recommend Alpinestars, had mine for about 4 years and they are brilliant after lots of use, but I can't help feel it's the luck of the draw as I have seen others on here give them a right old slating....

Name the buggers anyway, that's garbage service. Apico are the importers and I'm with Dibdab...Alpinestars every time

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That`s rubbish service.

Take them back and demand your money back if they try and p--s you about, let them know you are going down to your local council offce/town hall and reporting them to the trading standards office if that does not make them see sense then they deserve all that they get.

You are absolutely 100% due a refund as goods are not fit for purpose as has been said before.

Sorry to hear of problems as they look like good boots and I was thinking about trying them as my beloved Gearnes are getting to be stupid money, but the best boots ever!


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