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Fork Seals For Beta 80 Rev 3, Year 07?


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Simple method without faffing around with fluids.

Remove fender and cross brace,

Slide forks out of yokes.

Do the following steps in a vice or clamped upright to something one leg at a time;

Remove dustcaps, if in good condition keep... if not replace!

Remove seal clip

Pry out fork seals with a precision screwdriver or bearing gripper,

Replace seals, use old seals to drive new ones into posistion

Re-insert seal clip,

Replace dustcaps

Slide forks back into yokes, measure 5 or 10mm (depends on preference) from yoke to top of fork, tighten clamp, repeat using the same measurement on the other side!

Replace cross brace and fender

Re-insert wheel

(remember to grease spindle and hub... also grease cross brace bolts)

Sounds complicated but if you take your time its perfectly simple!

If you would like to like to change the oil at the same time drain the forks whilst the seals are out, remove the caps on the forks, flush with half the correct amount of fluid. Once seals and dus tcaps are back in fill the non spring side through the top cap with correct quantity. Spring side: remove the internal components through the top cap, should just be two little spacers and a spring, place these in order on a clean surface... fill fork with correct amount of oil, pump up and down a few times and reinsert the components in the correct order, replace cap.

Once forks are in bike bounce up and down compressing the forks a few times, release the caps ever so slightly till you hear hissing, put weight on the front end and tighten.. now adjust to how your son likes!

Sounds daunting but it really isnt....

Edited by shercoman2k8
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