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Heavy Clutch


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Went out for a practice today and the Clutch on my 07 250 Rev3 has gone really heavy, Got home and have changed the oil but still no difference, can anyone offer any advise on what I need to do?



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Gotta be a little more specific about the symptom.

Is it harder to pull in the clutch?

Does it require more pressure to hold the clutch in once it's pulled in?

Does the clutch seem to return slower once let out?

If the clutch is pulled in slowly does it require more pressure then before?

Basically the questions are to identify if it's a case where there's more friction in the mechanism. i.e. something binding like the throw rod or a seal has swelled or one of the cylinders has scored.

Or something like water in the fluid or the wrong fluid.

Scientific method. Observe and analyze. Once we have more info we can start taking pot shots at an answer.

Of course I have a particular favorite clutch mod of my own but that's been flogged to death here so I won't go into it.

Edited by Dan Williams
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My clutch felt heavy today but that's just from not using it for four months of winter. Felt good to be back on the bike. Didn't even crash. Unfortunately I just walked into a weight the girlfriend left in the middle of the floor and think I broke a toe but hey I got 9 more where that came from. Grrrrr.

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Thanks Dan

I have investigated further and conclude that a) the Clutch lever requires more pressure to pull it in and :closedeyes: it certainly requires more effort to hold it in. It does seem to relaeas OK though.

Hope this helps point me in the right direction.

How big was the weight?



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The clutch may seem like it requires more effort to hold in, but as your muscles hold it, they tire; the only way to truly test effort is to attach a weight to string to the lever and add weight until the lever pulls in to the bar.

Check your lever and it's pivot bushings, a hit can pinch the mount.

Are you sure your forearm muscles haven't atrophied during the winter lay-off?

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